1 Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?
2 Where did you grow up? 你在哪里长大?
3 How did you end up here? 你为什么来这里?
4 Did you fall out with your family? 你和你的家人吵架了?
5 What have you found out about yourself by living on the road? 你出来的路上认识到什么问题?
6 If I wanted to live the same life as you, would you try and put me off? 如果我学你这样, 你支持还是劝阻我呢?
7 Do you come across strange people on the road? 你在路上见到陌生人吗?
8 Do you find it difficult to get on with other people? Do you find it difficult to fit in? 你感觉和其他人交往困难吗?
9 How do you get by? 你是怎么混的?
10 What do people make of you ? Do the look down on you? 人们是怎么看你的? 他们瞧不起你吗?
11 What sort of things do you have to do without? 在外你必须做哪些事情?
12 Has anyone ever put you up in their home for a night? 有人留你在他们家过夜吗?
13 What are the good things about living on the road? And what are the drawbacks? 在旅行中有哪些好处和坏处呢?
14 Do you feel free because there's nobody to tell you off or order you about, or do you feel cut off from society in some way? 因为没人管你你感到自由吗?或者某些程度上,你感到失去安全感吗
15 Can you take me through a typical day? How do you spend your time? 你能描述一个典型的一天吗?