创建directory并执行expdp/impdp/create user

select * from dba_directories;
create or replace directory jacfdj_data as 'D:\jac_fdj\auto_oracl_bak'
grant read,write on directory jacfdj_data to fdjtest
drop directory dump_dir
expdp fdjother/fdjother directory=jacfdj_data 
dumpfile=fdjother_001.dmp logfile=fdjother_001.log
impdp fdjother/fdjother directory=jacfdj_data dumpfile=fdjother_001.dmp
sqlplus /nolog;   
connect / as sysdba; 
alter user sys identified by sys;   
alter user system identified by system;

create user jac_scl identified by jac_scl;
alter user jac_scl default tablespace JAC_SCL;
grant create session,create table,create view,
create sequence,unlimited tablespace to jac_scl;

