1. 预览
依然遵循之前的原则,只看core(其实还包括了transport,虽然它不在core中,但socket相关的类在此包中),了解mina的内部机制,忽略细节,这里就直接从服务器的入口第一步开始,即连接管理的IOService。直接来看下对应的包:org.apache.mina.core.service。 by the way 我的mina源码版本是:2.0.7
2. IOService
AbstractIoService的注释提到An instance of IoService contains an Executor which will handle the incoming events。而上面提到的不止这个功能,照着上面的功能去看相应的方法是个比较好的办法,就可以了解每部分怎么实现的,一眼看过去有些add,set,contain之类的方法都可以忽略了,这里最后的manages不要被字面误解,搜一下源码里的管理,其实只是maintain。那么就剩下了两个方法值得我们关注,一个就是注释提到的executor,另一个就是涉及到默认实现的dispose。
Creates Executor, if not provided(在构造方法中实现,觉着有些地方同样需要提一下跟整体的设计相关的,就增大的信息量,把构造方法都贴出来了):
protected AbstractIoService(IoSessionConfig sessionConfig, Executor executor) { if (sessionConfig == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionConfig"); } if (getTransportMetadata() == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TransportMetadata"); } if (!getTransportMetadata().getSessionConfigType().isAssignableFrom(sessionConfig.getClass())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("sessionConfig type: " + sessionConfig.getClass() + " (expected: " + getTransportMetadata().getSessionConfigType() + ")"); } // Create the listeners, and add a first listener : a activation listener // for this service, which will give information on the service state. listeners = new IoServiceListenerSupport(this); listeners.add(serviceActivationListener); // Stores the given session configuration this.sessionConfig = sessionConfig; // Make JVM load the exception monitor before some transports // change the thread context class loader. ExceptionMonitor.getInstance(); if (executor == null) { this.executor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); createdExecutor = true; } else { this.executor = executor; createdExecutor = false; } threadName = getClass().getSimpleName() + '-' + id.incrementAndGet(); }
只是看一下上面提到的功能,这里多提一下就是 ExceptionMonitor.getInstance(); 有兴趣去看一下org.apache.mina.uti.DefaultExceptionMonitor 很简短,只有一个方法,这里只调用一下就是实例化DefaultExceptionMonitor :
public void exceptionCaught(Throwable cause) { if (cause instanceof Error) { throw (Error) cause; } LOGGER.warn("Unexpected exception.", cause); }
我想大概明白是怎么一回事了,这里对Exception的处理做了初始化,这个位置也比较合适的选择,Mina将异常处理的日志打印放在了单独的类中进行处理uncaught exceptions。
这里只需要知道下面这句话就ok了:并发编程的一种编程方式是把任务拆分为一些列的小任务,即Runnable,然后在提交给一个Executor执行,Executor.execute(Runnalbe) 。Executor在执行时使用内部的线程池完成操作。
protected final Object disposalLock = new Object(); private volatile boolean disposing; private volatile boolean disposed;
public final void dispose(boolean awaitTermination) { if (disposed) { return; } synchronized (disposalLock) { if (!disposing) { disposing = true; try { dispose0(); } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionMonitor.getInstance().exceptionCaught(e); } } } if (createdExecutor) { ExecutorService e = (ExecutorService) executor; e.shutdownNow(); if (awaitTermination) { //Thread.currentThread().setName(); try { LOGGER.debug("awaitTermination on {} called by thread=[{}]", this, Thread.currentThread().getName()); e.awaitTermination(Integer.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS); LOGGER.debug("awaitTermination on {} finished", this); } catch (InterruptedException e1) { LOGGER.warn("awaitTermination on [{}] was interrupted", this); // Restore the interrupted status Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } disposed = true; }
The service can be stopped by calling the dispose() method. The service will be stopped only when all the pending sessions have been processed :
// Stop the service, waiting for the pending sessions to be inactive acceptor.dispose();
You can also wait for every thread being executed to be properly completed by passing a boolean parameter to this method :
// Stop the service, waiting for the processing session to be properly completed acceptor.dispose( true );
3. IOAdapter
We have many of those implementing classes
又来张图片,木有办法,mina官网的资料就是那么给力了,因此User Guide还是必备资料。这里还是要复制大多数入门篇都在写的那段官方Quick start guide的服务器代码了:
public class MinaTimeServer { private static final int PORT = 9123; public static void main( String[] args ) throws IOException { IoAcceptor acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor(); acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast( "logger", new LoggingFilter() ); acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast( "codec", new ProtocolCodecFilter( new TextLineCodecFactory( Charset.forName( "UTF-8" )))); acceptor.setHandler( new TimeServerHandler() ); acceptor.getSessionConfig().setReadBufferSize( 2048 ); acceptor.getSessionConfig().setIdleTime( IdleStatus.BOTH_IDLE, 10 ); acceptor.bind( new InetSocketAddress(PORT) ); } }
private final List<SocketAddress> defaultLocalAddresses = new ArrayList<SocketAddress>(); private final List<SocketAddress> unmodifiableDefaultLocalAddresses = Collections .unmodifiableList(defaultLocalAddresses); private final Set<SocketAddress> boundAddresses = new HashSet<SocketAddress>(); private boolean disconnectOnUnbind = true; /** * The lock object which is acquired while bind or unbind operation is performed. * Acquire this lock in your property setters which shouldn't be changed while * the service is bound. */ protected final Object bindLock = new Object();
另一个提一下就是unmodifiableList这个方法,简直就是刚看过的Effective java中的‘使类和成员的可访问性最小化’中讲解的完美实例,学习就是在这么一次次的突然新鲜东西和学习的东西碰撞中产生乐趣和不断熟悉的,突然有种两者都恍然大悟的感觉,扯远了。说一下这个方法是对list做一个不可变的拷贝,因为后面有提供返回list的方法提供,因此需要维护这样一个变量(因为长度非0的数组总是可变的,再深入就不是这里要讨论的了)。
public final void setDefaultLocalAddresses(Iterable<? extends SocketAddress> localAddresses) { if (localAddresses == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("localAddresses"); } synchronized (bindLock) { synchronized (boundAddresses) { if (!boundAddresses.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("localAddress can't be set while the acceptor is bound."); } Collection<SocketAddress> newLocalAddresses = new ArrayList<SocketAddress>(); for (SocketAddress a : localAddresses) { checkAddressType(a); newLocalAddresses.add(a); } if (newLocalAddresses.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty localAddresses"); } this.defaultLocalAddresses.clear(); this.defaultLocalAddresses.addAll(newLocalAddresses); } } }
bind是这个方法:public final void bind(Iterable<? extends SocketAddress> localAddresses) throws IOException,需要提一下的就是最后这一句:
if (activate) { getListeners().fireServiceActivated(); }
与前面的提到的Mina事件驱动机制联系起来了,最终调用的方法的注释为:Invoked when a new service is activated by an IoService.