Menus and BorderLayout Ext 1.0 - Ext JS

I am considering using yui-ext in my project but it requires the uses of menus on the left side (west panel) of the page the pop out to the right overlaying the center panel. I have tried to make this work under ext 0.xx and I can get the menu to pop out over the center panel but there is a problem with it. If you slowly drag your mouse over to select the pop out menu when the mouse cursor hits the seperator between the west and the center the menu goes away.

Is this issue resolved under 1.0?
  # 2  
02-26-2007, 10:25 AM

Which menus?
  # 3  
02-26-2007, 10:43 AM

  # 4  
02-27-2007, 09:46 AM

There are around 20-30 threads about this in the Help forum and another in the Examples forum. I would recommend starting research there. Or you can convert to Ext menus and it will work out of the box with better performance and new features. Your choice though.
  # 5  
03-05-2007, 11:36 PM

I am using version 0.33 and I don't see any reference in the documentation or the demos of Am I missing something?
  # 6  
03-06-2007, 12:12 AM

yeah, youre missing the 1.0 alpha son
  # 7  
03-06-2007, 02:03 AM

And you're confoozed. :wink:

The YAHOO.widget.Menu is NOT an Ext component. It's a heavyweight YUI component.

You need an You can configure the direction the submenus fly out using the subMenuAlign property. To have them fly out rightwards use "tl-tr?" - although I think this is the default.

There are currently no docs - you'll have to use the example in examples/menu, and read the source!

A few mods are required to allow an to function as a top level menubar.

There is another thread about this. I'm thinking I'm going to subclass to create which may be aligned either horizontally or vertically. It will have to activate itself on first click of one of it's menu items. It's hide() method will do nothing.
  # 8  
03-06-2007, 02:07 AM


A MenuBar would be super sweet as that'd make attaching a menu (vertical or horizontal, as appropriate) to the collapsed bar of a region fairly straightforward.
  # 9  
03-06-2007, 02:33 AM

I'll be working on this today.
  # 10  
03-06-2007, 10:24 AM


Hey, i created a kind of "menubar" myself. its probably not what you are trying to make but you could have a look at some of the code maybe.

Its not finished yet, i still have to change the normal click behaviour on items, and some of the animation is not done yet.
