start with ...connect by Nocycle Prior 树查询_递归查询

select branchid from branch where parentbranchid='BRA0000000000001' order by branchid


select br.branchid
  from Branch br
 start with br.branchid = 'BRA0000000000001'
connect by Nocycle Prior br.branchid = br.parentbranchid



[ START WITH condition ] 
CONNECT BY [ NOCYCLE ] condition

 select abbrname,branchid,A.PARENTBRANCHID,branchtype,branchstatus,LEVEL from branch a
where a.branchstatus='BRANCHSTATUS_1'
AND a.branchtype='BRANCHTYPE_30'
start with a.branchid='BRA0000000000002'
connect by nocycle prior a.branchid = a.parentbranchid;


Java代码   收藏代码
  1. select * from table   
  2.     start with id=9842  
  3.     connect by prior id= parentId  
  4. order by id  
Java代码   收藏代码
  1. select * from table  
  2.     start with id=9842  
  3.     connect by nocycle prior parentId=id  
  4. order by id  
