原文链接: http://www.netroby.com/article-1367.html
ubuntu 8.04 LTS 64位系统nginx + mysql + php5-fpm + wordpress详细配置,最后更新于2010年04月26日。
绕了许多弯路,终于顺利的把配置工作做到位了。现在把配置流程文档整理出来,跟大家分享,如果大家发现有不对的地方,请指证出来。我会实时加以完善和修 正,做出更好的更订和修改。
XEN vps
操作系统我选用的是ubuntu 8.04 LTS 的64位版本
1. 安装PHP5-fpm
64 位ubuntu 安装 32位兼容包
apt-get install ia32-libs
ubuntu 需要安装依赖包
wget http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/k/krb5/libkrb53_1.6.dfsg.4~beta1-5ubuntu2_i386.deb wget http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/icu/libicu38_3.8-6ubuntu0.2_i386.deb dpkg -i *.deb
添加第三方源,来自于dotdeb组织的php5-fpm的deb包,编辑 /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org stable all deb http://php53.dotdeb.org stable all
apt-get update
apt-get install php5-cli php5-common php5-suhosin php5-fpm php5-cgi php5-mysql php5-gd
2. 安装nginx
echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jdub/devel/ubuntu hardy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys E9EEF4A1 apt-get update apt-get install nginx
3. 开始配置nginx
编 辑配置 vim /etc/nginx/wordpress.conf
location / { index index.html index.php; if (-f $request_filename/index.html){ rewrite (.*) $1/index.html break; } if (-f $request_filename/index.php){ rewrite (.*) $1/index.php; } if (!-f $request_filename){ rewrite (.*) /index.php; } } location ~* \.(ico|css|js|gif|jpe?g|png)(\?[0-9]+)?$ { expires max; break; } location ~ .*\.php$ { fastcgi_pass; #fastcgi_pass unix:/tmp/php-cgi.sock; fastcgi_index index.php; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; } location ~ .*\.(gif|jpg|png|swf|flv)$ { valid_referers none blocked *.xgyl.net *.netroby.com *.google.com; if ($invalid_referer) { return 403; } }
编 辑配置 vim /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
user www-data; worker_processes 1; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log; pid /var/run/nginx.pid; worker_rlimit_nofile 1024; events { use epoll; worker_connections 1024; } http { include /etc/nginx/mime.types; default_type application/octet-stream; access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log; optimize_server_names off; server_names_hash_bucket_size 128; client_header_buffer_size 32k; large_client_header_buffers 4 32k; sendfile on; tcp_nopush on; keepalive_timeout 60; tcp_nodelay on; fastcgi_connect_timeout 300; fastcgi_send_timeout 300; fastcgi_read_timeout 300; fastcgi_buffer_size 64k; fastcgi_buffers 4 64k; fastcgi_busy_buffers_size 128k; fastcgi_temp_file_write_size 128k; gzip on; gzip_min_length 1k; gzip_buffers 4 16k; gzip_http_version 1.0; gzip_comp_level 7; gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/css application/xml; include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*; }
编 辑配置 vim /etc/nginx/sites-availale/default
server { listen 80; server_name www.netroby.com; root /vhosts/www.netroby.com; include /etc/nginx/wordpress.conf; } server { listen 80; server_name www.xgyl.net; root /vhosts/www.xgyl.net; include /etc/nginx/wordpress.conf; }
编 辑配置 vim /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params
fastcgi_param GATEWAY_INTERFACE CGI/1.1; fastcgi_param SERVER_SOFTWARE nginx; fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string; fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method; fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type; fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME $fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param REQUEST_URI $request_uri; fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_URI $document_uri; fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT $document_root; fastcgi_param SERVER_PROTOCOL $server_protocol; fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr; fastcgi_param REMOTE_PORT $remote_port; fastcgi_param SERVER_ADDR $server_addr; fastcgi_param SERVER_PORT $server_port; fastcgi_param SERVER_NAME $server_name; # PHP only, required if PHP was built with --enable-force-cgi-redirect fastcgi_param REDIRECT_STATUS 200;
4.配置 php5-fpm
编 辑配置 vim /etc/php5/fpm/php5-fpm.conf
<?xml version="1.0" ?> <configuration> All relative paths in this config are relative to php's install prefix <section name="global_options"> Pid file <value name="pid_file">/var/run/php5-fpm.pid</value> Error log file <value name="error_log">/var/log/php5-fpm.log</value> Log level <value name="log_level">notice</value> When this amount of php processes exited with SIGSEGV or SIGBUS ... <value name="emergency_restart_threshold">10</value> ... in a less than this interval of time, a graceful restart will be initiated. Useful to work around accidental curruptions in accelerator's shared memory. <value name="emergency_restart_interval">1m</value> Time limit on waiting child's reaction on signals from master <value name="process_control_timeout">5s</value> Set to 'no' to debug fpm <value name="daemonize">yes</value> </section> <workers> <section name="pool"> Name of pool. Used in logs and stats. <value name="name">default</value> Address to accept fastcgi requests on. Valid syntax is 'ip.ad.re.ss:port' or just 'port' or '/path/to/unix/socket' <value name="listen_address"></value> <value name="listen_options"> Set listen(2) backlog <value name="backlog">-1</value> Set permissions for unix socket, if one used. In Linux read/write permissions must be set in order to allow connections from web server. Many BSD-derrived systems allow connections regardless of permissions. <value name="owner">www-data</value> <value name="group">www-data</value> <value name="mode">0666</value> </value> Additional php.ini defines, specific to this pool of workers. These settings overwrite the values previously defined in the php.ini. <value name="php_defines"> <!-- <value name="sendmail_path">/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i</value> --> <!-- <value name="display_errors">0</value> --> <!-- <value name="error_log">/var/log/php-error.log</value> --> <!-- <value name="log_errors">true</value> --> </value> Unix user of processes <value name="user">www-data</value> Unix group of processes <value name="group">www-data</value> Process manager settings <value name="pm"> Sets style of controling worker process count. Valid values are 'static' and 'apache-like' <value name="style">static</value> Sets the limit on the number of simultaneous requests that will be served. Equivalent to Apache MaxClients directive. Equivalent to PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN environment in original php.fcgi Used with any pm_style. <value name="max_children">3</value> Settings group for 'apache-like' pm style <value name="apache_like"> Sets the number of server processes created on startup. Used only when 'apache-like' pm_style is selected <value name="StartServers">20</value> Sets the desired minimum number of idle server processes. Used only when 'apache-like' pm_style is selected <value name="MinSpareServers">5</value> Sets the desired maximum number of idle server processes. Used only when 'apache-like' pm_style is selected <value name="MaxSpareServers">35</value> </value> </value> The timeout (in seconds) for serving a single request after which the worker process will be terminated Should be used when 'max_execution_time' ini option does not stop script execution for some reason '0s' means 'off' <value name="request_terminate_timeout">30s</value> The timeout (in seconds) for serving of single request after which a php backtrace will be dumped to slow.log file '0s' means 'off' <value name="request_slowlog_timeout">0s</value> The log file for slow requests <value name="slowlog">/var/log/php5-fpm.log.slow</value> Set open file desc rlimit <value name="rlimit_files">1024</value> Set max core size rlimit <value name="rlimit_core">0</value> Chroot to this directory at the start, absolute path <value name="chroot"></value> Chdir to this directory at the start, absolute path <value name="chdir"></value> Redirect workers' stdout and stderr into main error log. If not set, they will be redirected to /dev/null, according to FastCGI specs <value name="catch_workers_output">yes</value> How much requests each process should execute before respawn. Useful to work around memory leaks in 3rd party libraries. For endless request processing please specify 0 Equivalent to PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS <value name="max_requests">500</value> Comma separated list of ipv4 addresses of FastCGI clients that allowed to connect. Equivalent to FCGI_WEB_SERVER_ADDRS environment in original php.fcgi (5.2.2+) Makes sense only with AF_INET listening socket. <value name="allowed_clients"></value> Pass environment variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH All $VARIABLEs are taken from current environment <value name="environment"> <value name="HOSTNAME">$HOSTNAME</value> <value name="PATH">/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin</value> <value name="TMP">/tmp</value> <value name="TMPDIR">/tmp</value> <value name="TEMP">/tmp</value> <value name="OSTYPE">$OSTYPE</value> <value name="MACHTYPE">$MACHTYPE</value> <value name="MALLOC_CHECK_">2</value> </value> </section> </workers> </configuration>
5. 保存配置,并运行nginx和php-fpm
/etc/init.d/nginx restart /etc/init.d/php5-fpm restart
6. 安装mysql-server
apt-get install mysql-server libtcmalloc-minimal0
编辑mysql启动文件 vim /etc/init.d/mysql
在export Home下边加上下面一句,并保存
export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libtcmalloc_minimal.so.0"
编辑Mysql的配置文件 vim /etc/mysql/my.cnf
[client] port = 3306 socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock [mysqld_safe] socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock nice = 0 [mysqld] user = mysql pid-file = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock port = 3306 basedir = /usr datadir = /var/lib/mysql tmpdir = /tmp language = /usr/share/mysql/english skip-external-locking bind-address = key_buffer = 16K max_allowed_packet = 1M table_cache = 4 sort_buffer_size = 64K read_buffer_size = 256K read_rnd_buffer_size = 256K thread_stack = 64K thread_cache_size = 8 myisam-recover = BACKUP query_cache_limit = 64K query_cache_size = 256K expire_logs_days = 10 max_binlog_size = 10M [mysqldump] quick quote-names max_allowed_packet = 16M [mysql] [isamchk] key_buffer = 16M !includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/
7. 测试
编 辑文件 vim /vhosts/www.netroby.com/index.php
<?php phpinfo();
如果你用的ubuntu的版本不是8.04,那么,就要修改/etc/nginx/nginx.conf中的 optimize_server_names为server_name_in_redirect
增加mysql的最新可用源,并优化和调整mysql的配置, 更新了nginx最新的源