

# an example - choose your own naming
# on Windows
myScriptPath = "c:\\someDirectory\\myLibrary"
# on Mac/Linux
myScriptPath = "/someDirectory/myLibrary"

# all systems
if not myScriptPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(myScriptPath)

# supposing there is a myLib.sikuli
import myLib

# supposing myLib.sikuli contains a function "def myFunction():"
myLib.myFunction() # makes the call

# instead of: import module


import module

# instead of: from module import *
import module
from module import *
# works on all platforms
import os
# get the directory containing your running .sikuli
myPath = os.path.dirname(getBundlePath())
if not myPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(myPath)

# now you can import every .sikuli in the same directory
import myLib

New in version X1.0-rc3.

Since scripts in same directory are found automatically:

# nothing else needed
# now you can import every .sikuli in the same directory
import myLib


Loading a jar-file containing Java/Python modules

New in version X1.0-rc2.

load ( jar-file )

Loads a jar-file and puts the absolute path to it into sys.path, so the Java or Python code in that jar-file can be imported afterwards.

Parameters: Returns:
  • jar-file – either a filename.jar without any path or the absolute path to filename.jar

True if the file was found, otherwise False

Note: if no path is specified, Sikuli first looks into the bundle (the Sikuli folder of the running script) and then into the extensions folder. (more information: Sikuli Extensions)


