Sikuli Level
Sikuli internally uses the class Settings to store globally used settings. Publicly available attributes may be accessed by using Settings.[name-of-an-attribute] to get it’s value and Settings.attribute = value to set it. It is highly recommended to only modify attributes, that are described in this document or when you really know, what you are doing.
Actually all attributes of some value for scripting are described in the topic Controlling Sikuli Scripts and their Behavior.
Jython/Python Level
You may use all settings, that are defined in standard Python/Jython and that are available in your system environment. The modules sys and time are already imported, so you can use their methods without the need for an import statement.
sys.path may be one of the most valuable settings, since it is used by Python/Jython to locate modules, that are referenced using import module. It is a list of path’s, that is e.g. maintained by Sikuli to implement Importing other Sikuli Scripts as a standard compliant feature.
If you want to use sys.path, it is recommended to do it as shown in the following example, to avoid appending the same entry again:
myPath = "some-absolute-path"
if not myPath in sys.path:
Java Level
Java maintains a global storage for settings (key/value pairs), that can be accessed by the program/script. Sikuli uses it too for some of it’s settings. Normally it is not necessary to access these settings at the Java level from a Sikuli script, since Sikuli provides getter and setter methods for accessing values, that make sense for scripting. One example is the list of paths, that Sikuli maintains to specify additional places to search for images (please refer to Importing other Sikuli Scripts for more information).
If needed, you may access the java settings storage as shown in the following example:
import java
# get a value
val = java.lang.System.getProperty("key-of-property")
# set a property's value
java.lang.System.getProperty("key-of-property", value)
Image Search Path
Sikuli maintains a list of locations to search for images when they are not found in the current .sikuli folder (a.k.a. bundle path). This list is maintained internally but can be inspected and/or modified using the following functions:
Get a list of paths where Sikuli will search for images.
# getImagePath() returns a Java array of unicode strings
imgPath = list(getImagePath()) # makes it a Python list
# to loop through
for p in imgPath:
print p
Add a new path to the list of image search paths
Remove a path from the list of image search paths
Note: paths must be specified using the correct path separators (slash on Mac and Unix and double blackslashes on Windows).
This list is automatically extended by Sikuli with script folders, that are imported (see: Importing other Sikuli Scripts), so their contained images can be accessed. If you want to be sure of the results of your manipulations, you can use getImagePath and check the content of the returned list. When searching images, the path’s are scanned in the order of the list. The first image file with a matching image name is used.
Note: Behind the scenes this list is maintained in the java property store with the key SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH. This can be preset when starting the JVM using the environment variable SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH and can be accessed at runtime using the approach as mentioned under Accessing Settings - Java level. Be aware, that this is one string, where the different entries are separated with a colon ( : ).
The default bundle path can also be accessed and modified by the two functions below:
Set the path for searching images in all Sikuli Script methods. Sikuli IDE sets this automatically to the path of the folder where it saves the script (.sikuli). Therefore, you should use this function only if you really know what you are doing. Using it generally means that you would like to take care of your captured images by yourself.
Additionally images are searched for in the SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH, that is a global list of other places to look for images. It is implicitly extended by script folders, that are imported (see: Reuse of Code and Images).
Get a string containing a fully qualified path to a folder containing your images used for finding patterns. Note: Sikuli IDE sets this automatically to the path of the folder where it saves the script (.sikuli). You may use this function if, for example, to package your private files together with the script or to access the picture files in the .sikuli bundles for other purposes. Sikuli only gives you to access to the path name, so you may need other python modules for I/O or other purposes.
Other places, where Sikuli looks for images, might be in the SIKULI_IMAGE_PATH.
Other Environment Information
Get the type ( getOS() ) and version ( getOSVersion() ) of the operating system your script is running on.
An example using these methods on a Mac is shown below:
# on a Mac
myOS = Env.getOS()
myVer = Env.getOSVersion()
if myOS == OS.MAC:
print "Mac " + myVer # e.g., Mac 10.6.3
print "Sorry, not a Mac"
myOS = str(Env.getOS())
if myOS == "MAC" or myOS.startswith("M"):
print "Mac " + myVer # e.g., Mac 10.6.3
print "Sorry, not a Mac"
New in version X1.0-rc2.
Get the version of Sikuli.
a string containing the version text of the IDE window title without “Sikuli “ |
An example for Sikuli X-1.0rc2:
if not Env.getSikuliVersion() == "X-1.0rc2":
print "This script needs Sikuli X-1.0rc2"
Get the content of the clipboard if it is text, otherwise an empty string.
Note: Be careful, when using Env.getClipboard() together with paste(), since paste internally uses the clipboard to transfer text to other applications, the clipboard will contain what you just pasted. Therefore, if you need the content of the clipboard, you should call Env.getClipboard() before using paste().
Tip: When the clipboard content was copied from a web page that mixes images and text, you should be aware, that there may be whitespace characters around and inside your text, that you did not expect. In this case, you can use Env.getClipboard().strip() to get rid of surrounding white spaces.
New in version X1.0-rc2.
Get the current status ( on / off ) off the respective key. Only one key can be specified.
True if the specified key is on, False otherwise |
Further information about key constants can be found in Class Key.
New in version X1.0-rc2.
Get the current location of the mouse cursor.
a Location object of the position of the mouse cursor on the screen. |