
       启动过程一点日志信息都没有输出直接报0103错误,后来我发现在服务中有个IBM Cognos Content store(大概是这个,具体名字也记不清了)的服务,判断这个问题应该是安装过程中选中了Cognos Content Database,但是在Cognos Configuration中配置的content store却是Oracle导致的。因为如果安装过程中你选中了cognos content database组件,那么你配置的content store必须是 cognos content database,配置其他的都不行。所以把cognos卸载,重新安装,本以为这次应该没有问题了,但是还是报错,想着可能是环境变量的问题,又把环境变量改了改,还是不行,从cognos configuration启动还是报错,不过我感觉一切都没有问题了。


到命令行里,切到c8_localation/bin目录下,执行cogbootstrapservice.exe –help查看该命令的帮助


Manage the Cognos Bootstrap Service.

By default the service name is determined from startup configuration,
but may be overriden by -name.

Note that on Win32 CBS operates invisibly, with no console window
unless -console is specified. -help, -d and -v are exceptions: they
always open a console.

The option -stdoutLog=DEBUG|INFO|WARN|ERROR|FATAL is optional for all
flavours of the command line. It causes log messages that describe the
actvities of CBS to be written to stdout.


cogbootstrapservice -i[a|m] [-name=serviceName] [-console]
Install as service. Service is automatically started (-i or -ia) or manually (-im).

cogbootstrapservice -u [-name=serviceName] [-console]
Uninstall the service.

cogbootstrapservice -isRegistered [-name=serviceName] [-console]
Test if the service is installed.
Exit code is 0 if the service is not installed, otherwise is the numeric value of the "Start" parameter:2 - auto, 3 - manual, 4 - disabled.

cogbootstrapservice -start [-name=serviceName] [-timeLimitSec=nn] [-console]
Start the service. Note that the operation blocks until the service is started or the specified time limit is reached.

cogbootstrapservice -stop [-name=serviceName] [-timeLimitSec=nn] [-console]
Stop the service. Note that the operation blocks until the service is stopped or the specified time limit is reached.

cogbootstrapservice -isrunning [-name=serviceName] [-console]
Test is the service is running. Exit code of 0 indicates that the service is running.

cogbootstrapservice -d
Run the service as a console application.

      其实最常用的也就是-d –start –stop这几个参数,-I –u –isRegistered这几个一般都是Cognos Configuration调用用来创建或删除服务用的。


 如果想启动服务执行 cogbootstraoservice.exe –start

 如果想让它弹出个窗口 cogbootstrapservice.exe –d –start(如果在telnet调用的话服务器中不弹出窗口)

 想关闭服务 执行 cogbootstrapservice.ext –stop






