这个系列的第一篇来说说zookeeper server端的启动,以单机为例,分布式zookeeper将在后续专门分析。
- protected void initializeAndRun(String[] args)
- throws ConfigException, IOException
- {
- try {
- ManagedUtil.registerLog4jMBeans();
- } catch (JMException e) {
- LOG.warn("Unable to register log4j JMX control", e);
- }
- //解析配置文件zoo.cfg
- ServerConfig config = new ServerConfig();
- if (args.length == 1) {
- config.parse(args[0]);
- } else {
- config.parse(args);
- }
- //启动
- runFromConfig(config);
- }
- public void parse(String path) throws ConfigException {
- QuorumPeerConfig config = new QuorumPeerConfig();
- config.parse(path);
- // let qpconfig parse the file and then pull the stuff we are
- // interested in
- readFrom(config);
- }
- public void runFromConfig(ServerConfig config) throws IOException {
- LOG.info("Starting server");
- try {
- // Note that this thread isn't going to be doing anything else,
- // so rather than spawning another thread, we will just call
- // run() in this thread.
- // create a file logger url from the command line args
- ZooKeeperServer zkServer = new ZooKeeperServer();
- //2个文件,log和data文件
- FileTxnSnapLog ftxn = new FileTxnSnapLog(new
- File(config.dataLogDir), new File(config.dataDir));
- zkServer.setTxnLogFactory(ftxn);
- zkServer.setTickTime(config.tickTime);
- zkServer.setMinSessionTimeout(config.minSessionTimeout);
- zkServer.setMaxSessionTimeout(config.maxSessionTimeout);
- //连接工厂,默认NIOServerCnxnFactory
- cnxnFactory = ServerCnxnFactory.createFactory();
- //初始化主线程,打开selector,并bind端口,打开NIO的ACCEPT通知
- cnxnFactory.configure(config.getClientPortAddress(),
- config.getMaxClientCnxns());
- //并生成最新的snapshot文件,启动IO主线程,从snapshot文件和log文件中恢复内存database结构和session结构
- cnxnFactory.startup(zkServer);
- //启动线程等待之前启动的主线程结束
- cnxnFactory.join();
- if (zkServer.isRunning()) {
- zkServer.shutdown();
- }
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- // warn, but generally this is ok
- LOG.warn("Server interrupted", e);
- }
- }
- public void startup(ZooKeeperServer zks) throws IOException,
- InterruptedException {
- //启动IO主线程
- start();
- //从log和snapshot回复database和session,并重新生成一个最新的snapshot文件
- zks.startdata();
- //启动sessionTracker线程,初始化IO请求的处理链,并启动每个processor线程
- zks.startup();
- setZooKeeperServer(zks);
- }
- public void startdata()
- throws IOException, InterruptedException {
- //check to see if zkDb is not null
- if (zkDb == null) {
- //初始化database
- zkDb = new ZKDatabase(this.txnLogFactory);
- }
- if (!zkDb.isInitialized()) {
- loadData();
- }
- }
- public DataTree() {
- /* Rather than fight it, let root have an alias */
- //'/','/zookeeper','/zookeeper/quota'3个系统节点初始化
- nodes.put("", root);
- nodes.put(rootZookeeper, root);
- /** add the proc node and quota node */
- root.addChild(procChildZookeeper);
- nodes.put(procZookeeper, procDataNode);
- procDataNode.addChild(quotaChildZookeeper);
- nodes.put(quotaZookeeper, quotaDataNode);
- }
- public void loadData() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
- //执行恢复,并返回最新的事务ID
- setZxid(zkDb.loadDataBase());
- // Clean up dead sessions
- //清理session
- LinkedList<Long> deadSessions = new LinkedList<Long>();
- for (Long session : zkDb.getSessions()) {
- if (zkDb.getSessionWithTimeOuts().get(session) == null) {
- deadSessions.add(session);
- }
- }
- zkDb.setDataTreeInit(true);
- for (long session : deadSessions) {
- // XXX: Is lastProcessedZxid really the best thing to use?
- killSession(session, zkDb.getDataTreeLastProcessedZxid());
- }
- //生成最新的snapshot文件
- // Make a clean snapshot
- takeSnapshot();
- }
- public long loadDataBase() throws IOException {
- oad过程中,发起分布式提议,对于单机版,先不考虑
- PlayBackListener listener=new PlayBackListener(){
- public void onTxnLoaded(TxnHeader hdr,Record txn){
- Request r = new Request(null, 0, hdr.getCxid(),hdr.getType(),
- null, null);
- r.txn = txn;
- r.hdr = hdr;
- r.zxid = hdr.getZxid();
- addCommittedProposal(r);
- }
- };
- //load数据
- long zxid = snapLog.restore(dataTree,sessionsWithTimeouts,listener);
- initialized = true;
- public long restore(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions,
- PlayBackListener listener) throws IOException {
- //从FileSnap中恢复
- snapLog.deserialize(dt, sessions);
- FileTxnLog txnLog = new FileTxnLog(dataDir);
- TxnIterator itr = txnLog.read(dt.lastProcessedZxid+1);
- long highestZxid = dt.lastProcessedZxid;
- TxnHeader hdr;
- //从snapshot中记录的最新的事务开始处理,将log中的事务merge到datatree中
- while (true) {
- // iterator points to
- // the first valid txn when initialized
- hdr = itr.getHeader();
- if (hdr == null) {
- //empty logs
- return dt.lastProcessedZxid;
- }
- if (hdr.getZxid() < highestZxid && highestZxid != 0) {
- LOG.error(highestZxid + "(higestZxid) > "
- + hdr.getZxid() + "(next log) for type "
- + hdr.getType());
- } else {
- highestZxid = hdr.getZxid();
- }
- try {
- processTransaction(hdr,dt,sessions, itr.getTxn());
- } catch(KeeperException.NoNodeException e) {
- throw new IOException("Failed to process transaction type: " +
- hdr.getType() + " error: " + e.getMessage(), e);
- }
- listener.onTxnLoaded(hdr, itr.getTxn());
- if (!itr.next())
- break;
- }
- return highestZxid;
- }
- public long deserialize(DataTree dt, Map<Long, Integer> sessions)
- throws IOException {
- // we run through 100 snapshots (not all of them)
- // if we cannot get it running within 100 snapshots
- // we should give up
- //找前100个snapshot文件,降序,最新的文件在最前面
- List<File> snapList = findNValidSnapshots(100);
- if (snapList.size() == 0) {
- return -1L;
- }
- //从最新的文件开始恢复,如果反序列化ok而且checksum也ok,则恢复结束
- File snap = null;
- boolean foundValid = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < snapList.size(); i++) {
- snap = snapList.get(i);
- InputStream snapIS = null;
- CheckedInputStream crcIn = null;
- try {
- LOG.info("Reading snapshot " + snap);
- snapIS = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(snap));
- crcIn = new CheckedInputStream(snapIS, new Adler32());
- InputArchive ia = BinaryInputArchive.getArchive(crcIn);
- deserialize(dt,sessions, ia);
- long checkSum = crcIn.getChecksum().getValue();
- long val = ia.readLong("val");
- if (val != checkSum) {
- throw new IOException("CRC corruption in snapshot : " + snap);
- }
- foundValid = true;
- break;
- } catch(IOException e) {
- LOG.warn("problem reading snap file " + snap, e);
- } finally {
- if (snapIS != null)
- snapIS.close();
- if (crcIn != null)
- crcIn.close();
- }
- }
- if (!foundValid) {
- throw new IOException("Not able to find valid snapshots in " + snapDir);
- }
- //snapshot文件名就记录着最新的zxid
- dt.lastProcessedZxid = Util.getZxidFromName(snap.getName(), "snapshot");
- return dt.lastProcessedZxid;
- }
- public void processTransaction(TxnHeader hdr,DataTree dt,
- Map<Long, Integer> sessions, Record txn)
- throws KeeperException.NoNodeException {
- ProcessTxnResult rc;
- switch (hdr.getType()) {
- 创建session
- case OpCode.createSession:
- sessions.put(hdr.getClientId(),
- ((CreateSessionTxn) txn).getTimeOut());
- ......
- // give dataTree a chance to sync its lastProcessedZxid
- rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn);
- break;
- case OpCode.closeSession:
- sessions.remove(hdr.getClientId());
- if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
- ZooTrace.logTraceMessage(LOG,ZooTrace.SESSION_TRACE_MASK,
- "playLog --- close session in log: 0x"
- + Long.toHexString(hdr.getClientId()));
- }
- rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn);
- break;
- default:
- rc = dt.processTxn(hdr, txn);
- }
- ......
- }
- public ProcessTxnResult processTxn(TxnHeader header, Record txn)
- {
- ProcessTxnResult rc = new ProcessTxnResult();
- try {
- rc.clientId = header.getClientId();
- rc.cxid = header.getCxid();
- rc.zxid = header.getZxid();
- rc.type = header.getType();
- rc.err = 0;
- rc.multiResult = null;
- switch (header.getType()) {
- case OpCode.create:
- CreateTxn createTxn = (CreateTxn) txn;
- rc.path = createTxn.getPath();
- createNode(
- createTxn.getPath(),
- createTxn.getData(),
- createTxn.getAcl(),
- createTxn.getEphemeral() ? header.getClientId() : 0,
- createTxn.getParentCVersion(),
- header.getZxid(), header.getTime());
- break;
- case OpCode.delete:
- DeleteTxn deleteTxn = (DeleteTxn) txn;
- rc.path = deleteTxn.getPath();
- deleteNode(deleteTxn.getPath(), header.getZxid());
- break;
- case OpCode.setData:
- SetDataTxn setDataTxn = (SetDataTxn) txn;
- rc.path = setDataTxn.getPath();
- rc.stat = setData(setDataTxn.getPath(), setDataTxn
- .getData(), setDataTxn.getVersion(), header
- .getZxid(), header.getTime());
- break;
- 》 ......
- /*
- * A snapshot might be in progress while we are modifying the data
- * tree. If we set lastProcessedZxid prior to making corresponding
- * change to the tree, then the zxid associated with the snapshot
- * file will be ahead of its contents. Thus, while restoring from
- * the snapshot, the restore method will not apply the transaction
- * for zxid associated with the snapshot file, since the restore
- * method assumes that transaction to be present in the snapshot.
- *
- * To avoid this, we first apply the transaction and then modify
- * lastProcessedZxid. During restore, we correctly handle the
- * case where the snapshot contains data ahead of the zxid associated
- * with the file.
- */
- //处理完事务后,再修改最新Zxid,如果是先修改Zxid再处理事务,修改完Zxid后,正好异步线程flush datatree
- //此时由于事务并没有被处理,导致snapshot中的zxid比content新,而restore的时候是从最新zxid+1开始恢复的,从而
- //导致丢数据
- if (rc.zxid > lastProcessedZxid) {
- lastProcessedZxid = rc.zxid;
- }
- ......
- return rc;
- }
- protected void setupRequestProcessors() {
- RequestProcessor finalProcessor = new FinalRequestProcessor(this);
- RequestProcessor syncProcessor = new SyncRequestProcessor(this,
- finalProcessor);
- ((SyncRequestProcessor)syncProcessor).start();
- firstProcessor = new PrepRequestProcessor(this, syncProcessor);
- ((PrepRequestProcessor)firstProcessor).start();
- }
- public void run() {
- while (!ss.socket().isClosed()) {
- try {
- //select过程
- selector.select(1000);
- Set<SelectionKey> selected;
- synchronized (this) {
- selected = selector.selectedKeys();
- }
- ArrayList<SelectionKey> selectedList = new ArrayList<SelectionKey>(
- selected);
- //打乱顺序
- Collections.shuffle(selectedList);
- for (SelectionKey k : selectedList) {
- //新连接进来,accept之
- if ((k.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT) != 0) {
- SocketChannel sc = ((ServerSocketChannel) k
- .channel()).accept();
- InetAddress ia = sc.socket().getInetAddress();
- int cnxncount = getClientCnxnCount(ia);
- //校验同个client连接数是否超过限制
- if (maxClientCnxns > 0 && cnxncount >= maxClientCnxns){
- LOG.warn("Too many connections from " + ia
- + " - max is " + maxClientCnxns );
- sc.close();
- } else {
- LOG.info("Accepted socket connection from "
- + sc.socket().getRemoteSocketAddress());
- //异步模式
- sc.configureBlocking(false);
- //监听read事件
- SelectionKey sk = sc.register(selector,
- SelectionKey.OP_READ);
- //创建内部连接
- NIOServerCnxn cnxn = createConnection(sc, sk);
- sk.attach(cnxn);
- //添加到连接表,方便后续统计
- addCnxn(cnxn);
- }
- }
- //如果是read和write事件,则处理之
- else if ((k.readyOps() & (SelectionKey.OP_READ | SelectionKey.OP_WRITE)) != 0) {
- NIOServerCnxn c = (NIOServerCnxn) k.attachment();
- c.doIO(k);
- } else {
- if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
- LOG.debug("Unexpected ops in select "
- + k.readyOps());
- }
- }
- }
- //准备下次IO
- selected.clear();
- } catch (RuntimeException e) {
- LOG.warn("Ignoring unexpected runtime exception", e);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- LOG.warn("Ignoring exception", e);
- }
- }
- closeAll();
- LOG.info("NIOServerCnxn factory exited run method");
- }