CopperLicht 入门(二)运动与键盘输入

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CopperLicht 入门(二)运动与键盘输入



CopperLicht 入门(二)运动与键盘输入


像上一节教材那样,输出一个.ccbjs文件到CopperLicht,保存Coppercube文件,发布场景为WebGL:Tools -> Test as JavaScript/WebGL,用网页编辑器打开新生成的.html文件,代码如下:

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="copperlichtdata/copperlicht.js"></script>
  <div align="center">
    <canvas id="3darea" width="640" height="480" style="background-color:#000000">
    <script type="text/javascript">
         startCopperLichtFromFile('3darea', 'copperlichtdata/tutorial-2.ccbjs');


<script type="text/javascript">
      var engine = startCopperLichtFromFile('3darea', 'copperlichtdata/tutorial-2.ccbjs');
      var cubeSceneNode = null;
      // this is called when loading the 3d scene has finished
      engine.OnLoadingComplete = function() 
        var scene = engine.getScene();
        if (scene)
          // find the cube scene node
          cubeSceneNode = scene.getSceneNodeFromName('cubeMesh1');
          // also, force the 3d engine to update the scene every frame
          // additional, let the sphere constantly rotate
          var sphereSceneNode = scene.getSceneNodeFromName('sphereMesh1');
          if (sphereSceneNode)
            sphereSceneNode.addAnimator(new CL3D.AnimatorRotation(new CL3D.Vect3d(0, 1.6, 0.8)));
      document.onkeydown = function(event)
        var key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
        // when pressed 'L', move the cube scene node a bit up
        if (key == 'F' && cubeSceneNode)
          cubeSceneNode.Pos.Y += 5;
        // when pressed 'G', move the cube scene node a bit down
        if (key == 'G' && cubeSceneNode)
          cubeSceneNode.Pos.Y -= 5;
        // we need to call the key handler of the 3d engine as well, so that the user is
        // able to move the camera using the keys

好了,再一次执行代码,运行html文件,我们可以看到球开始旋转,按F 和G键,箱体运动,下面我们简单的解释一下代码的运行原理。

var engine = startCopperLichtFromFile('3darea', 'copperlichtdata/tutorial-2.ccbjs');

我们用'engine'变量保存了一个CopperLicht class(类)的一个实例,同时告诉CopperLicht用的文件是'copperlichtdata/tutorial-2.ccbjs',CopperLicht会用html文档中名为'3darea'的画布<canvas>作为第一个参数,也就是后面的3d场景会转载到这个名为'3darea'的画布上。通过'engine' 这个实例,我们可以操作它其中的三维世界了。当CopperLicht导入场景完成后,我们需要CopperLicht给我们发一个信息,告诉我们它的三维场景导入完毕,于是,我们设定了一个导入完成事件:

// this is called when loading the 3d scene has finished
   engine.OnLoadingComplete = function() 

获得engine里的三维场景节点,再通过这个节点,找到它的下级节点:'cubeMesh1' 和'sphereMesh1'。

var scene = engine.getScene();
if (scene)
  // find the cube scene node
  cubeSceneNode = scene.getSceneNodeFromName('cubeMesh1');


  // also, force the 3d engine to update the scene every frame

我们目前还不需要调用CL3D.Scene.forceRedrawNextFrame() ,因为我们的场景变化不大。我们可以在CopperCube编辑器里的发布项里进行这些设置。

为了让球体不断的旋转,我们用到了CopperLicht的Animators特性,Animators类是一个控制场景节点物体进行基本操作的类,如移动、旋转、路径运动、动画材质等,本案例我们用到了一个AnimatorRotation(旋转动画),速度为(0, 1.6, 0.8) ,直接把它加给球体就可以。

 // additional, let the sphere constantly rotate
var sphereSceneNode = scene.getSceneNodeFromName('sphereMesh1');
if (sphereSceneNode)
  sphereSceneNode.addAnimator(new AnimatorRotation(new Vect3d(0, 1.6, 0.8)));


这时本课程的最后部分,我们通过按键'F' 和 'G'来控制箱体的运动,我们设置一个程序来捕获键盘输入事件:

document.onkeydown = function(event)


// we need to call the key handler of the 3d engine as well, so that the user is
// able to move the camera using the keys


var key = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
// when pressed 'L', move the cube scene node a bit up
if (key == 'F' && cubeSceneNode)
  cubeSceneNode.Pos.Y += 5;
// when pressed 'G', move the cube scene node a bit down
if (key == 'G' && cubeSceneNode)
  cubeSceneNode.Pos.Y -= 5;

This simply changes the position of the cubeSceneNode up or down. Note that if we hadn't changed the redraw mode to 'every frame' before using scene.setRedrawMode(CL3D.Scene.REDRAW_EVERY_FRAME);, we would have needed to call Scene.forceRedrawNextFrame() after this change, so that CopperLicht knows we want to redraw the frame because we manually changed the position of the cube.
Instead of changing the position using .Pos, you could also try out changing the rotation using .Rot or the scale of the scene node, using .Scale.


