

打包文件请 点击这里下载,dist文件夹里面的JAR文件是可以双击执行的


 * Created on 2007年8月30日, 下午12:46
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
 * and open the template in the editor.

package  hadeslee.swing;

@author  lbf
import  java.awt. * ;
import  java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
import  java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import  java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import  java.awt.event. * ;
import  javax.swing. * ;
import * ;
import  javax.imageio. * ;
import  java.awt.image. * ;

public   class  CaptureScreen  extends  JFrame  implements  ActionListener{
private  JButton start,cancel,saveAll;
private  JPanel c;
private  BufferedImage get;
private  JTabbedPane jtp; // 一个放置很多份图片
     private   int  index; // 一个一直会递增的索引,用于标认图片
     private  JRadioButton java,system; // JAVA界面,系统界面
     /**  Creates a new instance of CaptureScreen  */
public  CaptureScreen() {
super ( " 屏幕截取软件(第三版) " );
try {
catch (Exception exe){
private   void  initOther(){
= new  JTabbedPane(JTabbedPane.TOP,JTabbedPane.SCROLL_TAB_LAYOUT);
private   void  initWindow(){
= new  JButton( " 开始截取 " );
= new  JButton( " 保存所有 " );
= new  JButton( " 退出 " );
this );
this );
this );
        JPanel buttonJP
= new  JPanel();
= new  JPanel( new  BorderLayout());
        JLabel jl
= new  JLabel( " 屏幕截取 " ,JLabel.CENTER);
        JLabel jl1
= new  JLabel( " <Html><Font size=5 color=white>作者:千里冰封<br> "   +
" QQ:24325142<br><br><br></Font></html> " ,JLabel.CENTER);
new  Font( " 黑体 " ,Font.BOLD, 40 ));
" 公共操作区 " ));
        JPanel jp
= new  JPanel(); // 放两个单选按钮的面板
        jp.add(java = new  JRadioButton( " java界面 " ));
= new  JRadioButton( " 系统界面 " , true ));
this );
this );
" 界面风格 " ));
        ButtonGroup bg
= new  ButtonGroup();
        JPanel all
= new  JPanel();
this .getContentPane().add(c,BorderLayout.CENTER);
this .getContentPane().add(all,BorderLayout.SOUTH);
this .setSize( 500 , 400 );
this .setLocationRelativeTo( null );
this .setVisible( true );
this .setAlwaysOnTop( true );
this .setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE);
this .addWindowListener( new  WindowAdapter(){
public   void  windowClosing(WindowEvent we){
this .setVisible( false );
private   void  initTrayIcon(){
try {
            SystemTray st
= SystemTray.getSystemTray();
            Image im
= this .getClass().getResource( " bg.gif " ));
            PopupMenu pm
= new  PopupMenu( " 弹出菜单 " );
new  MenuItem( " 关于 " )).addActionListener( new  ActionListener(){
public   void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
this , " <html><Font color=red><center><h2>关于</h2></center></Font> "   +
" 这是一款纯JAVA的屏幕截取程序<br>在以前的基础上增加了一些常用的功能,<br> "   +
" 比如,批量保存,多幅截取,复制到系统粘帖板<br> "   +
" 在使用过程中有任何问题,欢迎联系.<br> "   +
" <Font size=5 color=blue>作者:千里冰封<br> "   +
" <i>QQ:24325142</i><br></Font></html> " );
new  MenuItem( " 显示主窗口 " )).addActionListener( new  ActionListener(){
public   void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
this .setVisible( true );
new  MenuItem( " 开始截取 " )).addActionListener( new  ActionListener(){
public   void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
new  MenuItem( " 退出程序 " )).addActionListener( new  ActionListener(){
public   void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
0 );
            TrayIcon ti
= new  TrayIcon(im, " JAVA屏幕截取 " ,pm);
new  ActionListener(){
public   void  actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
this .setVisible( true );
catch (Exception exe){
private   void  updates(){
this .setVisible( true );
if (get != null ){
// 如果索引是0,则表示一张图片都没有被加入过,
// 则要清除当前的东西,重新把tabpane放进来
             if (index == 0 ){
else { // 否则的话,直接对tabpane添加面板就可以了
// 就什么都不用做了
            PicPanel pic
= new  PicPanel(get);
" 图片 " + ( ++ index),pic);
private   void  doStart(){
try {
this .setVisible( false );
500 ); // 睡500毫秒是为了让主窗完全不见
            Robot ro = new  Robot();
            Toolkit tk
= Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
            Dimension di
= tk.getScreenSize();
            Rectangle rec
= new  Rectangle( 0 , 0 ,di.width,di.height);
            BufferedImage bi
= ro.createScreenCapture(rec);
            JFrame jf
= new  JFrame();
            Temp temp
= new  Temp(jf,bi,di.width,di.height);
true );
true );
true );
catch (Exception exe){
public   void  doSaveAll(){
if (jtp.getTabCount() == 0 ){
this , " 图片不能为空!! " , " 错误 " ,JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return ;
        JFileChooser jfc
= new  JFileChooser( " . " );
new  GIFfilter());
new  BMPfilter());
new  JPGfilter());
new  PNGfilter());
int  i = jfc.showSaveDialog( this );
if (i == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
            File file
= jfc.getSelectedFile();
            String about
= " PNG " ;
            String ext
= file.toString().toLowerCase();
            javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter ff
= jfc.getFileFilter();
if (ff  instanceof  JPGfilter){
= " JPG " ;
else   if (ff  instanceof  PNGfilter){
= " PNG " ;
else   if (ff  instanceof  BMPfilter){
= " BMP " ;
else   if (ff  instanceof  GIFfilter){
= " GIF " ;
if (ext.endsWith(about.toLowerCase())){
= ext.substring( 0 ,ext.lastIndexOf(about.toLowerCase()));
// 起一个线程去保存这些图片并显示出进度条
             new  SaveAllThread(ext,about).setVisible( true );
// 专门用来保存所有图片的线程类,它还要显示出保存的进度条
     private   class  SaveAllThread  extends  JDialog  implements  Runnable{
private  String name; // 文件名头部份
         private  String ext; // 文件格式
         private  JProgressBar jpb; // 一个进度条
         private  JLabel info; //  一个信息显示条
         private   int  allTask,doneTask; // 所有任务,已完成任务
         public  SaveAllThread(String name,String ext){
super (CaptureScreen. this , " 保存 " , true );
this .name = name;
this .ext = ext;
private   void  initWindow(){
= new  JProgressBar();
= jtp.getTabCount();
0 );
0 );
true );
= new  JLabel( " 正在保存到: " );
this .getContentPane().setBackground(Color.CYAN);
this .add(info,BorderLayout.NORTH);
this .add(jpb,BorderLayout.SOUTH);
this .setUndecorated( true );
this .setSize( 300 , 100 );
this .setLocationRelativeTo(CaptureScreen. this );
new  Thread( this ).start();
private   void  setProgressBarString(){
"" + doneTask + " / " + allTask);
public   void  run(){
try {
for ( int  i = 0 ;i < allTask;i ++ ){
                    PicPanel pp
= (PicPanel)jtp.getComponentAt(i);
                    BufferedImage image
= pp.getImage();
                    File f
=   new  File(name + (doneTask + 1 ) + " . " + ext.toLowerCase());
" <html><b>正在保存到:</b><br> " + f.toString() + " </html> " );
++ ;
500 );
this , " 保存完毕!! " );
this .dispose();
catch (Exception exe){
this .dispose();
public    void  doSave(BufferedImage get){
try {
if (get == null ){
this , " 图片不能为空!! " , " 错误 " ,JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return ;
            JFileChooser jfc
= new  JFileChooser( " . " );
new  GIFfilter());
new  BMPfilter());
new  JPGfilter());
new  PNGfilter());
int  i = jfc.showSaveDialog( this );
if (i == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){
                File file
= jfc.getSelectedFile();
                String about
= " PNG " ;
                String ext
= file.toString().toLowerCase();
                javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter ff
= jfc.getFileFilter();
if (ff  instanceof  JPGfilter){
= " JPG " ;
if ( ! ext.endsWith( " .jpg " )){
                        String ns
= ext + " .jpg " ;
= new  File(ns);
else   if (ff  instanceof  PNGfilter){
= " PNG " ;
if ( ! ext.endsWith( " .png " )){
                        String ns
= ext + " .png " ;
= new  File(ns);
else   if (ff  instanceof  BMPfilter){
= " BMP " ;
if ( ! ext.endsWith( " .bmp " )){
                        String ns
= ext + " .bmp " ;
= new  File(ns);
