这是我blog标题名的来源,来自一部十分不一般的影片,或许该称之为discovery类型的作品.影片的中文名字--<我们到底知道多少>,英文原名--<What The Bleep Do We Know>.
片中重点探讨了量子理论对我们哲学的意义,人生观的意义,其中有一个十分让人难忘的实验.同样的几瓶山泉,原本的,受过高僧祝福的,其水分子在电子显微镜下面呈现出了十分大的不同.前者杂乱,后者呈优美的对称形状,就如雪花的优美一般.瓶子被贴上标签,标签上书写"爱"这个词,其形状更加漂亮,外型更加繁复.这能证明什么,证明了量子论中所强调的意识作用,料想我们的意识能对水分子做这些,我们人体90%都是水,想想我们的意识会对我们自身产生什么影响?给了我们积极的人生态度--We are here to be the creators!.
Quantum theory only concerns the possibility and it tells us that a man's cosciousness is a very important factor in the reality.
I have ever seen a experiment which turned out that out thought even our words could make unbelivable effects on water molecule.
Keep in mind that 90% of our body are water,so if our thought can do so magical and incredible things to water,imagine what it will do to us.
So We are here to be the creators!