BSD Release: BSDanywhere 4.5

Stephan Rickauer has announced the release of BSDanywhere 4.5, a live CD consisting of a base OpenBSD system plus a graphical desktop (Enlightenment 17): "We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of BSDanywhere 4.5 - Enlightenment at your fingertips. Here's a quick summary of the changes since 4.4: Upgrade base system to OpenBSD 4.5 and packages accordingly, please see the OpenBSD site for a list of changes since 4.4; contains official, standard, unmodified OpenBSD kernel - previously, we had to ship a slightly modified version of the OpenBSD kernel to make the boot off CD media less cumbersome, but thanks to OpenBSD developer Kenneth Westerback, this has been improved in OpenBSD 4.5; last but not least, we have great new artwork, provided graciously by Tim Saueressig." Here is the complete release announcement . Download (SHA256) : bsdanywhere45-i386.iso (628MB), bsdanywhere45-amd64.iso (699MB).


BSDanywhere是基于OpenBSD的自启动运行光盘镜像。它包含了整个OpenBSD基础系统(不含编译器),并带有一份图形桌面、一套 非典型 的软件收藏、自动硬件检测,以及对很多显示卡、声卡、SCSI、USB设备及其他外设的支持。BSDanywhere可以作为一份教学UNIX系统,一套 修复环境,或者是硬件测试平台来使用。
