在多媒体应用中,针对Client端的带宽情况,Server端对Video Data要进行不同的处理,当Client带宽比较差时,需要在Server端对不同的视频帧进行是丢弃处理,如在低带宽条件下,对于非关键帧,为了更好的用户体验性和播放的平滑性,可对其进行丢弃,而关键帧,则一般不给予丢弃。下面结合代码,详细分析下Red5是如何根据Client端的带宽进行丢包处理的。
Red5的Video Data丢包处理的代码集中在其PlayEngine 的 PushMessage方法,代码如下:
if (body instanceof VideoData) { IVideoStreamCodec videoCodec = null; if (msgIn instanceof IBroadcastScope) { IBroadcastStream stream = (IBroadcastStream) ((IBroadcastScope) msgIn) .getAttribute(IBroadcastScope.STREAM_ATTRIBUTE); if (stream != null && stream.getCodecInfo() != null) { videoCodec = stream.getCodecInfo().getVideoCodec(); } } //dont try to drop frames if video codec is null - related to SN-77 if (videoCodec != null && videoCodec.canDropFrames()) { if (playlistSubscriberStream.state == State.PAUSED) { // The subscriber paused the video log.debug("Dropping packet because we are paused"); videoFrameDropper.dropPacket(rtmpMessage); return; } // Only check for frame dropping if the codec supports it long pendingVideos = pendingVideoMessages(); if (!videoFrameDropper.canSendPacket(rtmpMessage, pendingVideos)) { // Drop frame as it depends on other frames that were dropped before. log.debug("Dropping packet because frame dropper says we cant send it"); return; } if (!receiveVideo) { // The client disabled video or the app doesn't have enough bandwidth // allowed for this stream. log.debug("Dropping packet because we cant receive video or token acquire failed"); videoFrameDropper.dropPacket(rtmpMessage); return; } // increment the number of times we had pending video frames sequentially if (pendingVideos > 1) { numSequentialPendingVideoFrames++; } else { // reset number of sequential pending frames if 1 or 0 are pending. numSequentialPendingVideoFrames = 0; } if (pendingVideos > maxPendingVideoFramesThreshold || numSequentialPendingVideoFrames > maxSequentialPendingVideoFrames) { log.debug("Pending: {} Threshold: {} Sequential: {}", new Object[] { pendingVideos, maxPendingVideoFramesThreshold, numSequentialPendingVideoFrames }); // We drop because the client has insufficient bandwidth. long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (bufferCheckInterval > 0 && now >= nextCheckBufferUnderrun) { // Notify client about frame dropping (keyframe) sendInsufficientBandwidthStatus(currentItem); nextCheckBufferUnderrun = now + bufferCheckInterval; } videoFrameDropper.dropPacket(rtmpMessage); return; } videoFrameDropper.sendPacket(rtmpMessage); } }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean canDropFrames() { return false; }
在Red5的代码中,之所有在此处直接返回false,不支持丢包,主要是因为ScreenVideo这种Codec的Video data的Decode依赖于前后帧,如果丢弃了一帧,很可能接下来的好几帧数据都不能正确Decode。当然如果网络非常差的情况下,还是通过修改ScreenVideo的canDropFrames(),使其返回true,则可在低带宽条件下启动丢包处理,只不过这样在播放端就会出现连续的花屏现象。
在判断Codec是否支持Drop frames后,Red5主要根据Mina通道里的pendingVideos的数量来决定是否丢弃Video data。由上面的代码可以得知,pendingVideos 是通过方法pendingVideoMessages()获取的。pendingVideoMessages的返回的是RTMPConnection里面的pendingVideos的值(当往Mina的通道里写入一个),在Red5的代码中,如果pendingVideos超过最大允许的等待帧数,则启动丢包处理:
// increment the number of times we had pending video frames sequentially if (pendingVideos > 1) { numSequentialPendingVideoFrames++; } else { // reset number of sequential pending frames if 1 or 0 are pending. numSequentialPendingVideoFrames = 0; } if (pendingVideos > maxPendingVideoFramesThreshold || numSequentialPendingVideoFrames > maxSequentialPendingVideoFrames) { log.debug("Pending: {} Threshold: {} Sequential: {}", new Object[] { pendingVideos, maxPendingVideoFramesThreshold, numSequentialPendingVideoFrames }); // We drop because the client has insufficient bandwidth. long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (bufferCheckInterval > 0 && now >= nextCheckBufferUnderrun) { // Notify client about frame dropping (keyframe) sendInsufficientBandwidthStatus(currentItem); nextCheckBufferUnderrun = now + bufferCheckInterval; } videoFrameDropper.dropPacket(rtmpMessage); return; }