Asteroids and Comets

Asteroids and Comets

Of the thousands of known comets in the solar system, Halley's comet is one of some 200 that are periodic. Halley's comet orbits Earth every 76 years; the next flyby will occur in 2061.
Asteroids and Comets
Comet C/2001 Q4, also known as NEAT, emits a blue-and-purple glow as it moves through the cosmos in May 2004. Its coma, or head, and a portion of its tail are visible in this shot, as are myriad stars. This image was taken by telescope from Kitt Peak National Observatory near Tucson, Arizona.
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Asteroids and Comets

This image shows ejected material that was propelled into space when NASA's Deep Impact probe collided with comet Tempel 1 at 1:52 a.m. ET on July 4, 2005. It was taken by the spacecraft's medium-resolution camera 16 seconds after impact.
Seen here in a 2004 composite image, the intensely active surface of comet Wild 2 ejects dust and gas streams into space, leaving a trail millions of kilometers long. Other than the sun, Wild 2 is currently the most active planetary surface in our solar system, astronomers say.
