文章中在这块之前还有一大块东西---Configuration XML,详细介绍了Mybatis的配置文件中的结构及其元素,但是这里我感觉新手还是比较注重学习应用,因此,我也是把配置文件的介绍详细看了一下,也没有做太多的实践查看效果操作,也不多做介绍。给大家推荐一个链接:http://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/, 这里面有Mybatis的文档的翻译,而且有多国语言,虽然有些地方没有翻译,但是个人感觉已经是很不错了,确实下了很大功夫,先对这位仁兄致谢 !
言归正传,回到我的主题,下面是说到了Mapper XML Files,主要介绍的就是大家最关注的应用部分。
这篇文章先大概介绍一下Mapper XML Files中的内容,下一个详细介绍使用。
原文:The true power of MyBatis is in the Mapped Statements. This is where the magic happens. For all
Mybatis的真正魅力所在便是映射声明。 这里是奇迹发生的地方。 相对于
of their power, the Mapper XML files are relatively simple. Certainly if you were to compare them to the
他所有的力量,Mapper XML文件时相当的简单的。 当然,如果你是拿它和同等意义的JDBC代码
equivalent JDBC code, you would immediately see a savings of 95% of the code. MyBatis was built
来比较的话, 你一下子就能够看到节省了95%的代码量。 MyBatis的存在
to focus on the SQL, and does its best to stay out of your way.
是为了聚焦于SQL, 使其原理与普通的方式。
The Mapper XML files have only a few first class elements (in the order that they should be defined):
Mapper XML 文件仅仅有很少的几个顶级的元素(按照他们应该被定义的顺序):
• cache– Configuration of the cache for a given namespace.
• cache-ref– Reference to a cache configuration from another namespace.
• resultMap– The most complicated and powerful element that describes how to load your objects from the database result sets.
• parameterMap– Deprecated! Old-school way to map parameters. Inline parameters are
preferred and this element may be removed in the future. Not documented here.
• sql– A reusable chunk of SQL that can be referenced by other statements.
• insert– A mapped INSERT statement.
• update– A mapped UPDATE statement.
• delete– A mapped DELETE statement.
• select– A mapped SELECT statement.
The next sections will describe each of these elements in detail, starting with the statements
注:翻译的时候有些我自己完全不知道怎么翻译的地方我参考了:http://mybatis.github.io/mybatis-3/zh/index.html 这篇翻译,但是大部分我还是按照自己的理解和风格来了,所以,请大家多多指正。