<table border="${border}">
<th> </th>
<#list data as cell>
<#list data as row>
<#list data as cell>
同生成的做法一样,添加和移除类成员只要去修改fields和methods中的元素即可。这里我们拿一个简单的类做例子,下面这个Task类,我们来移除isNeedRemove方法,并且添加一个int 类型的addedField属性。
package asm.core;
* Created by yunshen.ljy on 2015/6/
交换两个数字的方法有以下三种 ,其中第一种最常用
public class jiaohuan1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int a =4;
int b = 3;
// 第一种交换方式
int tmep =
1. Kafka提供了两种Consumer API
High Level Consumer API
Low Level Consumer API(Kafka诡异的称之为Simple Consumer API,实际上非常复杂)
在选用哪种Consumer API时,首先要弄清楚这两种API的工作原理,能做什么不能做什么,能做的话怎么做的以及用的时候,有哪些可能的问题
CompositeChannelBuffer体现了Netty的“Transparent Zero Copy”
可以看到,所谓“Transparent Zero Copy”是通
// this need android:minSdkVersion="11"
public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var request = {
QueryString :
function (val) {
var uri = window.location.search;
var re = new RegExp("" + val + "=([^&?]*)", &
ArticleSelect类在命名空间HoverTree.Model中可以认为是文章查询条件类,用于存放查询文章时的条件,例如HvtId就是文章的id。HvtIsShow就是文章的显示属性,当为-1是,该条件不产生作用,当为0时,查询不公开显示的文章,当为1时查询公开显示的文章。HvtIsHome则为是否在首页显示。HoverTree系统源码完全开放,开发环境为Visual Studio 2013
1. php 类
I found this class looking for something else actually but I remembered I needed some while ago something similar and I never found one. I'm sure it will help a lot of developers who try to
Design pattern for graph processing.
Since we consider a large number of graph-processing algorithms, our initial design goal is to decouple our implementations from the graph representation