ant daily build 学习五(findbugs多文件合并细节问题)



在使用FindBugs是会报告如下错误java.lang.VerifyError: Cannot inherit from final class
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(



The problem here is that the wrong version of the Apache BCEL library is being found.  FindBugs requires its own version of BCEL, which normally will be used automatically when you invoke the findbugs or findbugs.bat scripts used to launch FindBugs.  If an old version of BCEL is installed in a location, such as "lib/endorsed" in the JRE installation, where it overrides classes on the application classpath, FindBugs will not execute properly.  We know of several reasons this could happen

  • If you install the Java(TM) Web Services Developer Pack 1.2 in the lib/endorsed directory of your Java Runtime Environment (JRE).  The file xsltc.jar contains an old version of BCEL that is incompatible with FindBugs. 
  • Another possibility is that you are using the IBM JDK.  Some versions include a version of BCEL which conflicts with the one required by FindBugs.  This problem is fixed in version 1.4.1 SP1, so upgrading your JDK should allow FindBugs to run correctly.
  • Some versions of the Apache Xalan XSLT processor include an old version of BCEL in xalan.jar.

In all of these cases, you should be able to run FindBugs by either removing the offending version of BCEL from your JRE, or installing a clean JRE or JDK and using that to run FindBugs.




看上去好像很繁琐吧,其实只有两个文件在作怪,就是ant核心lib下的xalen.jar 和xslt.jar。删除此文件便可以进行使用。










