引导过程中,未分区磁盘和已分区磁盘的布局是不同的,已分区磁盘的话,第一个扇区是主引导记录和分区表,而masterboot就存放在这里,将由它来查找激活分区的引导块(也就是在激活分区的第一个扇区里面),也就是下一次我们要分析的bootblock程序。而未分区磁盘的话第一个扇区直接存储的就是引导块。然后由引导块去加载引导程序也就是boot monitor 。
! To make things a little clearer, the boot path might be:
! /dev/fd0 - Floppy disk containing data, tries fd1 then d0
! [/dev/fd1] - Drive empty
! /dev/c0d0 - Master boot block, selects active partition 2
! /dev/c0d0p2 - Submaster, selects active subpartition 0
! /dev/c0d0p2s0 - Minix bootblock, reads Boot Monitor /boot
! Minix - Started by /boot from a kernel image in /minix
LOADOFF = 0x7C00 ! 0x0000:LOADOFF is where this code is loaded
BUFFER = 0x0600 ! First free memory
PART_TABLE = 446 ! Location of partition table within this code
PENTRYSIZE = 16 ! Size of one partition table entry
MAGIC = 510 ! Location of the AA55 magic number
! <ibm/partition>.h:
bootind = 0
sysind = 4
lowsec = 8
xor ax, ax !寄存器ax清零
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
cli !关闭中断
mov ss, ax ! ds = es = ss = Vector segment
mov sp, #LOADOFF !设置栈指针为LOADOFF
sti !打开中断
! Copy this code to safety, then jump to it.
mov si, sp ! si 保存代码的开始地址
push si ! si进站,当下面的ret指令的时候会直接返回到初始地址。
mov di, #BUFFER ! Buffer area
mov cx, #512/2 ! 主要这里是实模式和保护模式1个字所表示的字节数是不同的。cx保存下面我们要拷贝的大小
rep movs !这句也就是拷贝从LOADOFF的数据代码到buffer所指的地址的位置.
jmpf BUFFER+migrate, 0
testb dl, dl !检测dl的正负.dl里保存有当前设备的编号,0x00是第一块软盘,0x01第二块软盘,0x80,0x81,0x82,0x83...是指硬盘的编号。因此当为软盘时dl才是正数。所以这里也就是判断当前启动的设备。
jns nextdisk ! 如果为正数的话,也就是软盘.跳转到nextdisk
mov si, #BUFFER+PART_TABLE ! 讲分区表的地址付给寄存器si.
find: cmpb sysind(si), #0 ! 分区类型,如果已使用的话,就是0.
jz nextpart ! 查找未使用的分区.
testb bootind(si), #0x80 ! 检测是否是已激活的分区
jz nextpart ! 不是已激活的,就去下一分区查找
call load ! Load partition bootstrap
jc error1 ! Not supposed to fail
ret ! Jump to the master bootstrap
jb find
! No active partition, tell 'em
call print
.ascii "No active partition\0"
jmp reboot
! 去下一个设备查找激活分区。
incb dl ! Increment dl for the next drive
testb dl, dl
js nexthd ! 负数的话,就是硬盘,因此直接跳转到nexthd,然后调用load。
int 0x11 ! Get equipment configuration
shl ax, #1 ! Highest floppy drive # in bits 6-7
shl ax, #1 ! Now in bits 0-1 of ah
andb ah, #0x03 ! Extract bits
cmpb dl, ah ! Must be dl <= ah for drive to exist
ja nextdisk ! Otherwise try disk 0 eventually
call load0 ! Read the next floppy bootstrap
jc nextdisk ! It failed, next disk please
ret ! Jump to the next master bootstrap
nexthd: call load0 ! 从硬盘开始
error1: jc error ! No disk?
下面的这段代码从当前的激活扇区读取引导块,然后将控制权交给引导块,这里主要是一些处理磁盘的操作,很繁琐,看的头大的说。。这里要注意的就是几个读取扇区的指令,比如int 0x13.
mov si, #BUFFER+zero-lowsec ! si = where lowsec(si) is zero
!jmp load
mov di, #3 ! Three retries for floppy spinup
retry: push dx ! Save drive code
push es
push di ! Next call destroys es and di
movb ah, #0x08 ! Code for drive parameters
int 0x13
pop di
pop es
andb cl, #0x3F ! cl = max sector number (1-origin)
incb dh ! dh = 1 + max head number (0-origin)
movb al, cl ! al = cl = sectors per track
mulb dh ! dh = heads, ax = heads * sectors
mov bx, ax ! bx = sectors per cylinder = heads * sectors
mov ax, lowsec+0(si)
mov dx, lowsec+2(si)! dx:ax = sector within drive
cmp dx, #[1024*255*63-255]>>16 ! Near 8G limit?
jae bigdisk
div bx ! ax = cylinder, dx = sector within cylinder
xchg ax, dx ! ax = sector within cylinder, dx = cylinder
movb ch, dl ! ch = low 8 bits of cylinder
divb cl ! al = head, ah = sector (0-origin)
xorb dl, dl ! About to shift bits 8-9 of cylinder into dl
shr dx, #1
shr dx, #1 ! dl[6..7] = high cylinder
orb dl, ah ! dl[0..5] = sector (0-origin)
movb cl, dl ! cl[0..5] = sector, cl[6..7] = high cyl
incb cl ! cl[0..5] = sector (1-origin)
pop dx ! Restore drive code in dl
movb dh, al ! dh = al = head
mov bx, #LOADOFF ! es:bx = where sector is loaded
mov ax, #0x0201 ! Code for read, just one sector
int 0x13 ! Call the BIOS for a read
jmp rdeval ! Evaluate read result