OpenCms 7 Development 5月份即将出版

    继关于 OpenCms 5 的《Building Web Sites with OpenCms》和关于 OpenCms 6 的《Managing And Customizing OpenCms 6》之后,又一部值得期待的关于 OpenCms 7 的新书《OpenCms 7 Development》也将要在2008年5月出来了.
    但是和前两部不同的是,作者不在再是Matt Butcher,这一部作者是Dan Liliedahl.
OpenCms is a professional-level open-source Website Content Management System, based on Java and XML. Many companies or organizations have requirements that go beyond what is available in the standard OpenCms application. Thankfully, OpenCms can be used by Java developers to create sophisticated add-ons and customizations that extend the power of OpenCms in virtually unlimited directions.

Targeting version 7 of OpenCms, this book is for Java developers interested in extending and further customizing OpenCms through its Java API.

Starting by showing how to set up a development environment for OpenCms work, the book moves you through various tasks of increasing complexity. Some of the common tasks covered are building OpenCms, XML asset type development, templating, module development, user and role setup, and search integration. In addition to these common tasks some more advanced topics are covered such as self-registering users, RSS support, developing custom widgets and extending the administrative interface. All the topics include examples and are presented while building a sample blog site.

The skills you develop will make you an OpenCms developer to be reckoned with!

    有感兴趣的朋友可以到 Packt Publishing Ltd 的官方网站 去订购。


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2008-04-06 |  OpenCms中操作外部数据库的方法之一
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