ext 多文件上传控件 Ext.ux.UploadDialog 使用中的问题

Ext.ux.UploadDialog 像ext一样展现给用户震撼的界面:






自己去搜索 Ext.ux.UploadDialog.包下载


<link rel="stylesheet" href="Ext.ux.UploadDialog/UploadDialog/css/Ext.ux.UploadDialog.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="Ext.ux.UploadDialog/Ext.ux.UploadDialog.packed.js"></script>

使用很简单 弄个onclick事件 核心代码如下

  1. functioninsertImages()
  2. {
  3. dialog=newExt.ux.UploadDialog.Dialog({
  4. title:'文件上传__上传过程中关闭窗口,不影响上传_wayfoon',
  5. url:wayfoon.MMS.DataPage+'/xxx.action?action=xxx',
  6. width:450,
  7. height:300,
  8. minWidth:450,
  9. minHeight:300,
  10. draggable:true,
  11. resizable:true,
  12. //autoCreate:true,
  13. constraintoviewport:true,
  14. permitted_extensions:['JPG','jpg','jpeg','JPEG','GIF','gif','bmp','BMP'],
  15. modal:true,
  16. //post_var_name:'mms',
  17. reset_on_hide:false,
  18. allow_close_on_upload:true,//关闭上传窗口是否仍然上传文件
  19. upload_autostart:false//是否自动上传文件
  20. });
  21. dialog.show();//'show-button'
  22. dialog.on('uploadsuccess',onUploadSuccess);
  23. }

提交时,默认提交的文件名是file 你可以修改 post_var_name: 'myfile',

dialog 有很多事件,如下英文。例子中使用了uploadsuccess事件

  • filetest - fires before file is added into the queue, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - file name
    If handler returns false then file will not be queued.
  • fileadd - fires when file is added into the queue, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - file name
  • fileremove - fires when file is removed from the queue, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - file name
    record - file record
  • resetqueue - fires when upload queue is resetted, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
  • beforefileuploadstart - fires when file as about to start uploading:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - uploaded file name
    record - file record
    If handler returns false then file upload will be canceled.
  • fileuploadstart - fires when file has started uploading:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - uploaded file name
    record - file record
  • uploadsuccess - fires when file is successfuly uploaded, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - uploaded file name
    data - js-object builded from json-data returned from upload handler response.
    record - file record
  • uploaderror - fires when file upload error occured, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - uploaded file name
    data - js-object builded from json-data returned from upload handler response.
    record - file record
  • uploadfailed - fires when file upload failed, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - failed file name
    record - file record
  • uploadcanceled - fires when file upload canceled, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
    filename - failed file name
    record - file record
  • uploadstart - fires when upload process starts, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
  • uploadstop - fires when upload process stops, parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog
  • uploadcomplete - fires when upload process complete (no files to upload left), parameters:
    dialog - reference to dialog


看到了有很多后台代码采用了多文件 循环读取,只是没有必要的,我们只要当一个文件处理就可以了。


比如我们需要传入自己的参数,网上很难找到,其实我们可以在事件中来改变 提交的参数,

采用属性 base_params:{ hehe: "wayfoon" } 来实现,

function onUploadSuccess(dialog, filename, resp_data, record)



resp_data 是返回的json数据

