











eclipse3.5 + 


jdk1.6 +


Tomcat6 +


Tomcat eclipse Plug-in  附件内 点这里



















1,基于环境与版本:内容基于(二)1中环境,Zk版本选择5.0.2 CE版




具体配置: Window menu --> Preferences  --> Generals   --> Content Types  --> Text  --> Java Source File  --> Default Encoding  --> Update  --> OK


3,tomcat插件配置:将附件内 tomcat 插件copy到eclipse目录D:\eclipse\plugins,重启tomcat


    关联Tomcat:  Window menu --> Preferences  --> Tomcat   -->  Tomcat Version   --> Tomcat6.x   --> Tomcat Home   --> Brower >选择安装的Tomcat根目录   --> Context declaration mode   -->  Context files   -->  ok 


4, 创建Zk项目:File menu   --> new   --> Dynamic Web Project     --> 输入Project Name ,本例输入zk5




zk5/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes 目录内


如何修改:  zk5项目上右键 --> Properties  -->  Java Build Path --> Source选项卡,在视图最下 Default output folder输入zk5/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes保存


如果未配置以上内容,一般会出现  xxxx.class is NotFoundException












<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="2.4" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd">
		Spring ApplicationContext
			/WEB-INF/config/spring/applicationContext-linkFax.xml /WEB-INF/config/spring/applicationContext.xml
	</listener>  -->
		Spring 刷新Introspector防止内存泄露
	</listener> -->
	<!-- //// -->
	<!-- ZK -->
		<description>ZK listener for session cleanup</description>
		<description>ZK loader for ZUML pages</description>
			Must. Specifies URI of the update engine (DHtmlUpdateServlet). It
			must be the same as <url-pattern> for the update engine.
			Optional. Specifies whether to compress the output of the ZK loader.
			It speeds up the transmission over slow Internet. However, if you
			configure a filter to post-processing the output, you might have to
			disable it. Default: true <init-param>
			<param-name>compress</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value>
			Optional. Specifies the default log level: OFF, ERROR, WARNING, INFO,
			DEBUG and FINER. If not specified, the system default is used.
			<init-param> <param-name>log-level</param-name>
			<param-value>OFF</param-value> </init-param>
		<load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup><!-- Must -->
	<!-- Optional. Uncomment it if you want to use richlets.

		<description>The asynchronous update engine for ZK</description>
			[Optional] Specifies the AU processor for particular prefix.
			<init-param> <param-name>processor0</param-name>
			<param-value>/upload=com.my.MyUploader</param-value> </init-param>

		Uncomment if you want to use the ZK filter to post process the HTML
		output generated by other technology, such as JSP and velocity.
		<filter> <filter-name>zkFilter</filter-name>
		<init-param> <param-name>extension</param-name>
		<param-value>html</param-value> </init-param> <init-param>
		<param-name>compress</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value>
		</init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping>
		<url-pattern>/test/filter.dsp</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>
		<filter-mapping> <filter-name>zkFilter</filter-name>
		<url-pattern>/test/filter2.dsp</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>

	<!-- ///////////// -->
	<!-- DSP (optional) -->
	<!-- We need it to show zkdemo correctly (due to categorybar.dsp)
	<!-- /////////// -->
	<!-- Miscellaneous -->
	<!-- MIME mapping -->






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		Turn on if you want to debug JavaScript. Once turned on, the
		uncompressed JavaScript files will be loaded.
		Turn on if you want to debug by copying JavaScript files directly to
		classpath <desktop-config>
		<extendlet-check-period>5</extendlet-check-period> </desktop-config>

		Turn on if you want to JSP 2.1 EL as the default interpreter
		Uncomment if you turn off the caching of resources loaded from the
		class path (aka., class Web resources). By default, class Web
		resources are cached by the browser until you upgraded ZK to a newer
		version. However, it is better to turn the cache off when you are
		developing a theme or a component. <library-property>
		<name>org.zkoss.web.classWebResource.cache</name> <value>false</value>

		Uncomment if you want to control the number of hours that the CSS
		files of class Web resources won't be changed. By default, it is 8760
		(the same as other class Web resouces). A non-positive value turns off
		the cache of the CSS files of class Web resources. This property is
		meaningless if org.zkoss.web.classWebResource.cache is disabled.
		<value>8760</value> </library-property>
		The allowed child elements include evaluator-class. At most one
		xel-config element is allowed for each zk.xml. <xel-config>
		Turn on if you want to generate UUID by prefixing ID with the value
		specified here. It is designed for testing purpose. Notice ${page will
		be replaced with page's UUID. If you don't want it, remove it.
		<desktop-config> <id-to-uuid-prefix>_zid_${page}_</id-to-uuid-prefix>
		Turn on if you want to use the same UUID sequence for the desktops
		after reboot. It is mainly for testing purpose. <desktop-config>
		<repeat-uuid>true</repeat-uuid> </desktop-config>
		<log> <description>[Optional] Monitor i3-log.conf and register a
		handler for the specified log-base</description>
		<log-base>org.zkoss</log-base> </log>

		Turn on the following if you want to use the trendy mold as default
		for all buttons.

		Turn on the following if want to use auto as the default.

		<library-property> <name>org.zkoss.zul.include.mode</name>
		<value>auto</value> </library-property>
		Turn on if you want to use language addons. <language-config>
		<addon-uri>/WEB-INF/lang-addon.xml</addon-uri> </language-config>
		Turn on if the processing time is longer than 9000 miliseconds.
		<client-config> <resend-delay>9000</resend-delay> <client-config>
		Turn on if you want to ignore the consecutive click events, if it
		happens too close to the previous one, or the server is still serving
		the previous click. <client-config>
		<click-filter-delay>390</click-filter-delay> </client-config>

		[ZK EE] Turn on if you want to enable the render-on-demand feature for
		grid. It improves the performance for huge grid. Default: false
		[ZK EE] Turn on if you want to enable the render-on-demand feature for
		listbox. It improves the performance for huge listbox. Default: false

		[ZK EE] Turn on if you want to block the requests sent from
		inaccessible widgets (such as invisible or disabled). It is used to
		protect your application from the attack that goes through the
		invisible widgets. Once turned on, the request from an invisible
		widget is blocked. See also org.zkoss.zkmax.au.IWBS.events <listener>
		[ZK EE] Turn on if you use InaccessibleWidgetBlockService (IWBS) and
		want to block only particular events. Default: all <library-property>
		<value>onClick,onChange,onSelect</value> </library-property>

		[ZK EE] Turn on if you want to recycle the desktop if an user
		navigates back to the same URL <listener>

		[ZK EE] Turn on if you want to make your Web application crawlable
		(indexed) by search engines. <system-config>
		<crawlable>true</crawlable> </system-config>

	<!-- Optional -->
		Map extensions to the xml language. By default, xml is mapped to xml
		<language-mapping> <language-name>xml</language-name>
		<extension>svg</extension> </language-mapping> <language-mapping>
		<language-name>xml</language-name> <extension>xml2html</extension>
		Map extensions to the xul/html language By default, xul/html are
		mapped to zul and xul. <language-mapping>
		<language-name>xul/html</language-name> <extension>xxx</extension>

			Turn on the following if you want a different timeout Note: The unit
			is seconds (while that of web.xml is minute)
			Turn on the following if you want to reset the session-timeout
			counter when receiving onTimer, like any other request In other
			words, the session is never timeoout if the desktop has a timer.
			Uncomment it and set it to mil, if you want to configure for a mobile
			device. If omitted, ajax is ASSUMED. Currently, only timeout-uri and
			automatic-timeout support per-device configuration.

		<!-- An empty URL can cause the browser to reload the same URL -->

			Uncomment the following if you want to automatically redirect to the
			timeout page. By default, it is triggered by the user after timeout
			(such as clicking). <automatic-timeout/>

		We turn on the event processing thread in zkdemo to demostrate
		features that are available only if the eventprocessing thread is
		turned on. However, the event processig thread is disabled by default
		since ZK 5.0, to be complaint with Java Servlet specification. It is
		recommended to disable if you intend to integrate Spring web flow and
		other sophisticated frameworks. <system-config>
		<disable-event-thread>false</disable-event-thread> </system-config>
		Turn on the following if you want to use ZK with a clustering server
		or cloud environment (such as Google App Engine) <system-config>
		Disable the serialization of BeanShell methods Default: enable Disable
		it if Google App Engine is used since it cannot serialize BeanShell
		method correctly <library-property>
		<value>false</value> </library-property>
		Turn on the following if you want to cache all desktops in a global
		cache, rather than one for each session <system-config>
		<system-config> <au-writer-class>my.AuWriter</au-writer-class>
		<cache-provider-class> my.CacheProvider </cache-provider-class>
		<disable-event-thread /> <engine-class> my.UiEngine </engine-class>
		<failover-manager-class> my.FailoverManager </failover-manager-class>
		<id-generator-class> my.IdGenerator </id-generator-class>
		<max-spare-threads> 100 </max-spare-threads> <max-suspended-threads>
		100 </max-suspended-threads> <max-upload-size> 5120 </max-upload-size>
		<max-process-time> 3000 </max-process-time> <response-charset> UTF-8
		</response-charset> <session-cache-class> my.SessionCache
		</session-cache-class> <upload-charset> UTF-8 </upload-charset>
		<upload-charset-finder-class> my.CharsetFinder
		</upload-charset-finder-class> <ui-factory-class> my.UiFactory
		</ui-factory-class> <url-encoder-class> my.URLEncoder
		</url-encoder-class> <web-app-class> my.WebApp </web-app-class>
	<!-- Optional -->
		You can define any number of richlets as follows. Note: To use
		richlet, you have to map zkLoader to /xx/* in web.xml, where xx could
		be any name. And, the final URL will be /xx/url-pattern. This demo
		application maps all richlet to /zk (see web.xml), so the richlet path
		will be, say, /zk/test/some
		<richlet> <richlet-name>Test</richlet-name>
		<richlet-class>org.zkoss.zkdemo.test.TestRichlet</richlet-class> Any
		number of initial parameters. <init-param>
		<param-name>any</param-name> <param-value>any</param-value>
		</init-param> </richlet> <richlet-mapping>
		<richlet-name>Test</richlet-name> <url-pattern>/test/*</url-pattern>
	<!-- Optional -->
		<device-config> <device-type>ajax</device-type>
		<timeout-uri>/timeout.zul</timeout-uri> An empty URL can cause the
		browser to reload the same URL </device-config>

		Uncomment if you want to embed JavaScript codes and any other tags to
		be generated inside HTML HEAD. <device-config>
		<device-type>ajax</device-type> <embed><![CDATA[ <script
		type="text/javascript"> </script> ]]></embed> </device-config>

	<!-- Optional -->
		the following listener is used to see # of sessions, desktops...
		<description>[Optional] Mointor the statistic</description>

		Configure the error page <error-page>
		<location>/WEB-INF/sys/error.zul</location> </error-page>

		Configure ZUL to use smaller fonts for all locales, and smaller fonts
		for the rest Locales <desktop-config>
		<theme-uri>~./zul/css/normsm*.css.dsp*</theme-uri> </desktop-config>
		Configure ZUL to use larger fonts for all locales, and smaller fonts
		for the rest Locales <desktop-config>
		<theme-uri>~./zul/css/normlg*.css.dsp*</theme-uri> </desktop-config>
		Configure ZUL to use larger fonts for Chinese characters, and nomal
		fonts for the rest Locales <desktop-config>
		<theme-uri>~./zul/css/norm**.css.dsp</theme-uri> </desktop-config>
		Configure additional theme URIs <desktop-config>
		<theme-uri>/a.css</theme-uri> <theme-uri>/b**.css</theme-uri>
		Uncomment the following if you want to redirect to particular page
		when ZK Client receives an error code. <client-config> <error-reload>
		<error-code>301</error-code> <reload-uri>/login.zul</reload-uri>
		</error-reload> </client-config>

		Uncomment the following to customize the client-polling-based server
		push. Note: the unit of PollingServerPush.delay.min and max is second.
		Note: the values of PollingServerPush.start and stop are the
		JavaScript codes to execute at the client. Note: the value of
		PollingServerPush.delay.factor must be integer, <preference>
		<name>PollingServerPush.delay.min</name> <value>3000</value>
		</preference> <preference> <name>PollingServerPush.delay.max</name>
		<value>10000</value> </preference> <preference>
		<name>PollingServerPush.delay.factor</name> <value>5</value>
		</preference> <preference> <name>PollingServerPush.start</name>
		<value></value> </preference> <preference>
		<name>PollingServerPush.stop</name> <value></value> </preference>

		Configure the default font size in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css) Default:

		Configure the font size for menus in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css) Default:

		Configure the font size for smaller fonts, such as toolbar, in ZUL CSS
		file (norm*.css) Default: 11px.

		Configure the font size for extremely small fonts, in ZUL CSS file
		(norm*.css) Default: 10px. <library-property>
		<name>org.zkoss.zul.theme.fontSizeXS</name> <value>12px</value>
		Configure the font family for titles in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif.
		<library-property> <name>org.zkoss.zul.theme.fontFamilyT</name>
		<value>Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif</value>
		Configure the font family for content in ZUL CSS file (norm*.css)
		Default: Verdana, Tahoma, Arial, serif. <library-property>
		<name>org.zkoss.zul.theme.fontFamilyC</name> <value>Verdana, Tahoma,
		Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif</value> </library-property>

		Configure ZUL not to override the standard HTML tags, such as body's
		margin and padding <library-property>
		<name>org.zkoss.zul.theme.browserDefault</name> <value>true</value>
		Configure ZUL to apply the zk prefix in the CSS file (norm*.css). Use
		this only if you want to use different fonts for ZK components and the
		rest of your Web pages <library-property>
		<name>org.zkoss.zul.theme.enableZKPrefix</name> <value>true</value>

		Uncommet to control the number of lines to log an error message.
		Default: 6. If nonpostive is specified, the full stack traces are
		logged. Notice that # of lines don't include packages starting with
		java, javax or sun. <library-property>
		<name>org.zkoss.util.logging.realCauseBriefly</name> <value>0</value>
		Uncommet to control the number of lines to log a warning message.
		Default: 3. If nonpostive is specified, the full stack traces are
		logged. Notice that # of lines don't include packages starting with
		java, javax or sun. <library-property>
		<name>org.zkoss.util.logging.warningBriefly</name> <value>0</value>

		Uncommet to control whether the label propeties files are located.
		Default: /WEB-INF/i3-label.properties <library-property>
		<value>/WEB-INF/i3-label.properties</value> </library-property>
		Uncommet to control the encoding of the labe properties files Default:
		UTF-8 <library-property> <name>org.zkoss.util.label.web.charset</name>
		<value>UTF-8</value> </library-property>

		Uncomment it if you prefer to keep the desktops when an user browses
		to another URL or reloads the page. <client-config>
		<keep-across-visits>true</keep-across-visits> </client-config>

		Configure the Hibernate SessionFactory Lifecycle. <listener>
		<description>Hibernate SessionFactory Lifecycle</description>

		Configure the Hibernate configuration file name if not
		"hibernate.cfg.xml" <preference> <name>HibernateUtil.config</name>
		<value></value> </preference>

		Configure the Hibernate "Open Session In View" Session Lifecycle
		<listener> <description>Hibernate "Open Session In View" Session

		Hibernate thread session context handler <listener>
		<description>Hibernate thread session context handler</description>
		</listener-class> </listener>





6, 演示Hello World ,创建一个zul首页



  • *.zul是zk页面的默认后缀,此类页面使用xml语法,但是eclipse默认不支持*.zul扩展的文件,所以无法表示*.zul是一个xml语法的文件,继而不会高亮显示*.zul中xml格式的元素、属性等,




  • 如果让eclipse识别*.zul是xml格式文件呢:Window Menu -->Preferences -->Generals --> Content Type -->Text --> xml --> 点击add按钮 -->输入*.zul -->Ok      这样*.zul扩展的文件eclipse会识别其为xml文件格式



下面在/WEB-INF/content/上右键 New file      > 选择 file >输入index.zul  --> ok








<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<?page title="zk5开发" id="indexPage"?>
<?link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico"?>
<window id="indexWin" xmlns:h="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
	xmlns:n="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zk/native" xmlns="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul"
	xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul/zul.xsd"
    Hello  world!


zk xml 命名空间及其作用:


http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml  为zk定义的xhtml组件集


http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zk/native 为本地代码,即静态html代码,zk框架不解析,直接输出


http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zul        zk标准组件集


http://www.zkoss.org/2005/zk/client  zk客户端编程,用于监听客户端事件 详解见









     (1)右键 WebContent  --> Properties -->Resources -->复制Location --> E:\workspaces\dev_eclipse\zk5\WebContent



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Context docBase="E:\workspaces\dev_eclipse\zk5\WebContent" path="/zk5" reloadable="true"/>









更多 demo演示









下一篇 《【ZK开发】用户登录》 待续....















































