#include <stdio.h>
main() { FILE* fp; int num;
fp = fopen("./test.txt", "r"); if ( fp == NULL){ perror("Error:"); exit(-1); }
fscanf(fp, "%d", &num); if ( num < 0 ){ printf("Error: the num should be greater than 0!\n"); exit(-1); }
fclose(fp); } |
> purify gcc -g -o testfd testfd.c
Purify 2003.06.00 Solaris 2 (32-bit) Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Rational Software Corp. All rights reserved.
Instrumenting: ccqqF6pY.o Linking
<shapetype id="_x0000_t75" stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><stroke joinstyle="miter"></stroke><formulas><f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></f><f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></f><f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></f><f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></f><f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></f><f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></f><f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></f><f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></f><f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></f><f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></f><f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></f><f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></f></formulas><path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></path><lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></lock></shapetype>
如果你不想让Purify显示FIU信息,你可以设置Purify的 -fds-inuse-at-exit=no 选项,如:
> purify –fds-inuse-at-exit gcc -g -o testfd testfd.c
或者使用Purify的API函数 purify_clear_fds_inuse 来阻止显示,你可以在你的程序中调用Purify的API函数。有关Purify的API函数的细节,我会在后面给你讲述。
在程序编译时,你只需简单的调置Purify的编译参数 –windows=no 即可做到,如:
> purify –windows=no gcc –g –o hello hello.c
在csh下: % a.out.pure >& a.out.messages
在sh和ksh下: $ a.out.pure 2> a.out.messages
> ./hello **** Purify instrumented hello (pid 25698 at Wed Dec 10 <time minute="29" hour="22"><span lang="EN-US" style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt; FONT-FAMILY: 'Courier New'">22:29:33</span></time> 2003) * Purify 2003.06.00 Solaris 2 (32-bit) Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Rational Software Corp. All rights reserved. * For contact information type: "purify -help" * Options settings: -follow-child-processes=yes -purify -windows=no \ -purify-home=/usr/rational/releases/purify.sol.2003.06.00 \ -gcc3_path=/usr/local/bin/gcc \ -cache-dir=/usr/rational/releases/purify.sol.2003.06.00/cache \ -demangle_program=/usr/local/bin/c++filt * License successfully checked out. * Command-line: ./hello
**** Purify instrumented hello (pid 25698) **** ABR: Array bounds read: * This is occurring while in: strlen [rtlib.o] _doprnt [libc.so.1] printf [libc.so.1] main [hello.c:11] _start [crt1.o] * Reading 13 bytes from 0x8ea08 in the heap (1 byte at 0x8ea14 illegal). * Address 0x8ea08 is at the beginning of a malloc'd block of 12 bytes. * This block was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] main [hello.c:8] _start [crt1.o] Hello, World
**** Purify instrumented hello (pid 25698) **** Current file descriptors in use: 5 FIU: file descriptor 0: <stdin> FIU: file descriptor 1: <stdout> FIU: file descriptor 2: <stderr> FIU: file descriptor 26: <reserved for Purify internal use> FIU: file descriptor 27: <reserved for Purify internal use>
**** Purify instrumented hello (pid 25698) **** Purify: Searching for all memory leaks...
Memory leaked: 12 bytes (100%); potentially leaked: 0 bytes (0%)
MLK: 12 bytes leaked at 0x8ea08 * This memory was allocated from: malloc [rtlib.o] main [hello.c:8] _start [crt1.o]
Purify Heap Analysis (combining suppressed and unsuppressed blocks) Blocks Bytes Leaked 1 12 Potentially Leaked 0 0 In-Use 0 0 ---------------------------------------- Total Allocated 1 12
**** Purify instrumented hello (pid 25698) **** * Program exited with status code 13. * 1 access error, 1 total occurrence. * 12 bytes leaked. * 0 bytes potentially leaked. * Basic memory usage (including Purify overhead): 351348 code 101724 data/bss 8192 heap (peak use) 1272 stack * Shared library memory usage (including Purify overhead): 992 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (shared code) 280 libpure_solaris2_init.so.1 (private data) 1079516 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_111202132_58_32_1158500S (shared code) 31404 libc.so.1_pure_p3_c0_111202132_58_32_1158500S (private data) 2324 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_111202132_58_32_4624S (shared code) 4 libdl.so.1_pure_p3_c0_111202132_58_32_4624S (private data) 14048 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (shared code) 940 libinternal_stubs.so.1 (private data)
通过查看ASCII文本文件,我们发现其很不容易查看,特别是当错误很多时,而用在文件中没有源代码,看起来就是不如图形界面的好。但是我们为了把Purify的报告信息通过电子邮件传送给别人查看时,文件和图形界面兼得,我们可以使用Purify自己的文件,叫Purify View文件。我们可以使用Purify的图形界面打开这个文件,而来在图形化的窗口下查看。
我们可以有两种方式得到这个文件。一种是在Purify的图形界面的菜单中点击“File -> Save as”来生成。第二种方法是使用Purify的 -view-file=<filename>.pv 参数来设置Purify View文件。
% purify –view <filename>.pv
% purify -mail-to-user=chris gcc ...
% purify -mail-to-user=chris,pat gcc ...
% purify -mail-to-user=devgrp gcc ...
在默认情况下,只要你设置了这个参数,Purify是不会打开图形界面窗口的,如果你要Purify打开图形窗口,那么你就一同使用 –windows=yes 参数。
l purify_printf(const char *fmt, ...) 使用这个函数可以在Purify的图形界面,文件文件中输出你的自己的信息。
l purify_logfile_printf(const char *fmt, ...) 使用这个函数可以在Purify的ASCII文本文件中输出你自己的信息。
l purify_printf_with_call_chain(const char *fmt, ...) 使用这个函数可以在Purify的输出的同时,打印出函数调用栈的信息。这个函数和purify_printf很类似。
注意,以上三个函数和标准C中的printf函数几乎是一样的,不过,这几个函数并不支持像printf函数中的所有%的格式,它仅支持:%d, %u, %n,%s, %c, %e, %f, 和 %g 这几种格式,并且就 %e %f %g 而且,并不支持其精度定义。