部分解决JsUnit无法在firefox3、safari 测试的问题

上一篇中出现了一个问题,就是用 jsunit2.2alpha11.zip 包进行测试时,在firefox、safari 上不能进行测试,无法访问本地系统文件,经过在网上查找,发现了解决问题的办法,解决的原文如下:



Tried having a bash with jsUnit today, and got instantly stuck when trying to run a basic test case.

FireFox simply hung, and I really had no idea why.  For the first time, IE8 worked fine!

Thanks to this post, it was straightforward enough to get working.

First you have to modify the jsUnitTestManager.js file, and replace/insert the following code:

function isFF3() {
return (
    navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iceweasel/3") != -1 ||
    navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox/3") != -1

function browserSupportsReadingFullPathFromFileField() {
    return !isOpera() && !isIE7() && !isFF3();
    //return !isOpera() && !isIE7();

Secondly, you'll have to disable the draconian security that new FF introduces.  Type about:config in your address bar and then set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false.  This will allow FireFox to access local resources without a problem.

Now it will have disabled the browse to field, so the only way you can run your tests is directly via the address bar, as so:

<path to testrunner.html>?testpage=<path to mytests.html>






function browserSupportsReadingFullPathFromFileField() {
		return !isOpera() && !isIE7() && !isFF3();
    //return !isOpera() && !isIE7();
function isFF3() {
return (
    navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("iceweasel/3") != -1 ||
    navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox/3") != -1


部分解决JsUnit无法在firefox3、safari 测试的问题

部分解决JsUnit无法在firefox3、safari 测试的问题


部分解决JsUnit无法在firefox3、safari 测试的问题

以上这样改后,firefox3可以通过测,但发现 safari 还是通不过,于是干脆把以上脚本作如下修改:

function browserSupportsReadingFullPathFromFileField() {
		return false;
		//return !isOpera() && !isIE7() && !isFF3();
    //return !isOpera() && !isIE7();


部分解决JsUnit无法在firefox3、safari 测试的问题

但还是遗憾的是 jsunit 插件 在ff3 safari 运行不起来。先留在这里以后解决吧~!


