Unix-like utilities for Windows



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Unix-like utilities for Windows

After almost 5 years, I rewrote some of these utilities. I received emails from many people that found them useful, and I'm glad they took the time to write me!.

Some of the programs were updated to work with bigger capacity disks, and other were just fixed for some security issues I found.

The source code was cleaned and now compiles under Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 (the previous version was written on Visual Studio 6.0)

These are some Unix-like (they are similar to some tools found in the Un*x world) utilities that I wrote. They run in an NT/2000/XP/2003 operating systems. These tools are command-line based.

I have received several requests for it, so the source code is included now. The tools are being distributed under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) terms.

You can find all these tools packed on a single file: LCUtils.zip .

Note: The DOS and 16-bit Windows version are not longer supported, and I removed them from this site

Items with the NEW! logo have new features.

Filename Description Output sample
This is a port from the Unix "mt" command. It gives you some control on a Tape device. It implements commands to rewind the tape, set the block size, forward or back a specified count of blocks, erase the tape, eject the tape, etc. It has only been tested with a DAT drive.
mt - Version 1.0.1
Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Luis C. Castro Skertchly (lc_castro@yahoo.com)
Opening device \\.\TAPE0... Ok

Drive parameters:
Compression = TRUE
DataPadding = FALSE
ReportSetMarks = TRUE
Default Block Size = 16384
Minimum Block Size = 1
Maximum Block Size = 131072
Maximum Partition Count = 2
EOT Warning Zone Size = 0

Tape parameters:
Capacity: 2000129024
Block Size: 0
Partitions: 1
Write protected: No
Makes a raw copy of a tape device. It support writing/reading data from/to standard input/output like many Unix tools. It can be used with the GNU tar tools to write or read tar tapes from Unix boxes in a NT box.

Now completly in english! (The previous version was in spanish, but as many users of these tools are international, I decided to use english).

tapecopy - Version 1.5
Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Luis C. Castro Skertchly
Usage: tapecopy [-v] [-b block] [-r] -x|c [-d devname] [-f filename]
  -v : Verbose
  -b : Specify tape block size in bytes (0 = autodetect)
  -r : Rewind tape before start
  -x : Extract data from tape
  -c : Copy data to tape
  -d : Specify the tape device name (default = TAPE0)
  -f : filename from/to where data will be copied

Valid device names are:
Shows the free space on disk, also it shows: cluster count, cluster size, free clusters.
df - Version 2.0
Copyright (C) 2000-2007, Luis C. Castro Skertchly
Drive D:
                  8 Sectors per cluster
                512 Bytes per sector
         23,039,218 Clusters
         14,150,108 Free Clusters
         92,156,872 KB total disk space
         56,600,432 KB free
Terminates a process using its process ID (PID). The PID can be obtained from the task manager process list or using the "ps.exe" or "psnt.exe" utilities. n/a
Terminates a Windows session and optionally reboots or power down the system. n/a
Gets the boot record of a floppy disk or partition and writes it on a file. Very useful to create entries at the BOOT.INI file.


D:\>gboot32 C: BOOT.DAT
Reading boot sector from \\.\C:...
writing bootprogram BOOT.DAT...
mkboot32.exe It creates a boot record on a floppy disk or disk partition based on a boot-strap code in a file. Very useful to create MS-DOS boot disks from Windows NT. In order to do that, first get a bootable DOS disk and run "getboot.exe" to get the boot record. Then you can use "mkboot" to write that boot record in a different disk.


D:\>mkboot32 boot.dat A
Reading BPB from \\.\A:...
Reading bootprogram boot.dat...
Writing new boot sector on \\.\A:...
Displays a Windows Message Box and waits for the user to click the OK button.
This tool is similar to the "ps" command found on every Unix system. It shows a list of the running processes, its Process ID (PID), Parent Process ID (PPID), number of threads running (THR), process priority (PR), and (when possible) the full path to the executable image.
PS - Process list
(C) 2001, Luis C. Castro Skertchly

   0    0   2   0 [System Process]
   4    0  80   8 System
 556    4   3  11 smss.exe
 624  556  13  13 csrss.exe
 648  556  20  13 winlogon.exe
 696  648  15   9 services.exe
 708  648  18   9 lsass.exe
 860  696  20   8 svchost.exe
 960  696  10   8 svchost.exe
1048  696   5   8 svchost.exe
1128  696  62   8 svchost.exe
1144  696   4   8 svchost.exe
1216  696   7   8 svchost.exe
1276  696  12   8 spoolsv.exe
1392  696   0   8 avp.exe
1424  696  16   8 inetinfo.exe
1440  696   5   8 mdm.exe
1468  696   3   8 nvsvc32.exe
1512  696   4   8 retrorun.exe
1648  696   6   8 svchost.exe
1676  696   6   8 symlcsvc.exe
1056 1008  14   8 C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE
2192 1056   0   8 avp.exe
2244 1056   1   8 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctfmon.exe
2264 1056   2   8 C:\Program Files\HDD Thermometer\HDD Thermometer.exe
2296 1056   3   8 C:\Program Files\SpeedFan\speedfan.exe
2868 3292   1   8 C:\WINDOWS\system32\notepad.exe
3036 1056  13   8 C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE
 500 3292   1   8 D:\Users\Luis\VC\UTIL\ps.exe
Raw copy tool. It copies raw data from/to a device, just as if it were just another file. It works with floppy disks, CD-ROM (reading only) and tape devices.
For Unix users, it is very similar to do:
dd if=/dev/rfloppy of=filename.dat
D:\>rcopy \\.\CDROM1 cdimage.iso
rcopy - Version 1.2
Copyright (C) 2000-2007, Luis C. Castro Skertchly
WARNING: Can't get source file size
Copying \\.\CDROM1 to disk.iso (block size = 1024 bytes)
3 MB copied...
Gets a Registry key value from the command-line interface. Useful when writing batch scripts.
D:\>getreg LM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CSDVersion
Service Pack 5
Sets a Registry key value from the command-line interface. Useful when writing batch scripts. To change the default IE download directory run:
D:\>setreg CU "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" "Download Directory" D:\DOWN
Searches an executable file in the PATH and prints its current location.
D:\>which dnsadmin
Displays statics about memory usage, processor type and speed and Windows directories location.
37% Memory utilization
Total physical memory:        1,046,252 Kb
Phys. memory available:         653,728 Kb
Page file size:               2,129,864 Kb
Available in page file:       1,822,220 Kb
Virtual Memory size:          2,097,024 Kb
Free Virtual Memory:          2,084,124 Kb
Page size:                        4,096 bytes
Minimum Appl. Address:       0x00010000
Maximum Appl. Address:       0x7ffeffff
Number of processors:                 2
Allocation Granularity:          65,536 bytes
Processor: Intel  2593 MHz Pentium Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9
C:\WINDOWS is Windows directory
C:\WINDOWS\system32 is System directory
Displays Windows version
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 (Build 1381) Service Pack 5

Microsoft Windows XP Professional (Build 2600) Service Pack 2

Last modification: August 12, 2008
Previous modification: September 23, 2007
Previous modification: December 13, 2002
Luis Carlos Castro Skertchly

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