/* * Single Window Application Template: * A basic starting point for your application. Mostly a blank canvas. * * In app.js, we generally take care of a few things: * - Bootstrap the application with any data we need * - Check for dependencies like device type, platform version or network connection * - Require and open our top-level UI component * */ //bootstrap and check dependencies if (Ti.version < 1.8 ) { alert('Sorry - this application template requires Titanium Mobile SDK 1.8 or later'); } else if (Ti.Platform.osname === 'mobileweb') { alert('Mobile web is not yet supported by this template'); } else { //require and open top level UI component var ApplicationWindow = require('ui/ApplicationWindow'); new ApplicationWindow().open(); }
//Application Window Component Constructor function ApplicationWindow() { //load component dependencies var FirstView = require('ui/FirstView'); //create component instance var self = Ti.UI.createWindow({ backgroundColor:'#ffffff', navBarHidden:true, exitOnClose:true, title:'JQuery和Titanium的整合' }); //construct UI var tableview = new FirstView(); //Header var header = Titanium.UI.createView({ height:'50dp', backgroundColor:'#000', backgroundImage:'../images/title.png', top:'0dp' }); var header_lbl = Titanium.UI.createLabel({ text: '易程科技股份有限公司', color: '#fff', font: {fontSize: 22, fontWeight: 'bold'}, top:'5dp', height:'40dp' }); header.add(header_lbl); self.add(header); self.add(tableview); //Footer var footer = Titanium.UI.createView({ height:'50dp', backgroundColor:'#000', bottom:'0dp', backgroundImage:'../images/foot.png', }); var footer_lbl = Titanium.UI.createLabel({ text: '', color: '#fff', font: {fontSize: 22, fontWeight: 'bold'}, top:'5dp', height:'40dp' }); footer.add(footer_lbl); self.add(footer); return self; } //make constructor function the public component interface module.exports = ApplicationWindow;
//FirstView Component Constructor function FirstView() { // Create an ImageView. var anImageView = Ti.UI.createImageView({ image : '../images/beforeforward.png', width : 50, height : 50 }); var data = [ { winId:'txxxt1', 'color':'#000000', 'backgroundColor':'#FAFAFA', title:'故障信息上报', url:'../htmls/html/index.html', data:JSON.stringify({title:'障处理'}), leftImage:"../images/w.bmp", hasChild: true }, { winId:'txxxt5', 'color':'#000000', 'backgroundColor':'#FAFAFA', title:'当前故障一览', url:'../htmls/html/index.html', data:JSON.stringify({title:'当前故障一览',type:4}), leftImage:"../images/w.bmp", rightImage:"./images/beforeforward.png", hasChild: true } ]; // Table var tableview= Ti.UI.createTableView({ data: data, top:'50dp', bottom:'50dp', //This is what I used to do to include a header/footer // headerView: header, // footerView: footer }); // create table view event listener tableview.addEventListener('click', function(e) { if(e.rowData.url) { //if(null==dataWins[e.rowData.winId]){ var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({windowSoftInputMode:Ti.UI.Android.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE}); var webview = Ti.UI.createWebView({ url:e.rowData.url }); win.add(webview); var label = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : 'loading....' }); label.addEventListener('click', function(ex) { webview.reload(); }); win.add(label); win.addEventListener('open', function(ex) { Ti.App.fireEvent('currWin', {view:webview}); }); webview.SysDatas=[e.rowData.url]; win.addEventListener('android:back', function(ex) { if(webview.SysDatas.length>1){ webview.url=webview.SysDatas[webview.SysDatas.length-2]; webview.SysDatas.splice(webview.SysDatas.length-1,1) return; } win.close(); webview.url=''; }); webview.addEventListener('load', function(ex) { win.remove(label); }); //} //是否采用模式窗体 win.open({ fullscreen : false,modal : true, animated : true, windowSoftInputMode : Ti.UI.Android.SOFT_INPUT_ADJUST_RESIZE, exitOnClose: true, navBarHidden:true, backgroundImage : '/images/default.png', }); } else if(e.rowData.href) { Titanium.Platform.openURL(e.rowData.href); } }); return tableview; } module.exports = FirstView;
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