Oracle Server:数据库管理系统(管理信息),包含两个部分(oracle instance和oracle database)
Oracle Instance:访问oracle database(物理数据文件)的一种手段。一个instance只能对应一个database。由后台内存块和后台进程组成。
Connection & Session:Connection是oracle客户端进程与服务器进程建立的tcp连接,连接一开始就创建一个会话session
Oracle Database:由物理文件组成,包含三种类型的文件(data files、control files、redo log files)
Oracle内存结构:SGA(system global area)在一个instance启动时分配而且是instance的基本组成部分。
(ipcs和show sga查看,在linux下其实就是共享内存)
PGA(programglobal area)当server process(客户端连接服务器)启动时分配
SGA:包括shared pool(共享池)、database buffer cache、redo log buffer和可选的large pool和java pool。
9i以后可以动态调整sga大小(SGA_MAX_SIZE)单位是granule size(sga小于128M单位是4M,超过128M单位是16M)
查看SGA大小sql语句:selectcomponent, granule_size from v$sga_dynamci_components;
Shared Pool
Used to store:
--Most recently executed sql statements
--Most recently used data definitions
It consists of two key performance-related memory structures:
--Library Cache
--Data Dictionary Cache
Sized by the parameter
sql> alter system set SHARED_POOL_SIZE=64M;
Library Cache:
--Stores information about the most recently used SQL and PL/SQL statements(解析过的sql语 句,它的大小决定解析sql语句的快慢)
--Enables the sharing of commonly used statements
--Is managed by a least recently used (LRU) algorithm
--Consists of two structure:
-Shared SQL area
-Shared PL/SQL area
--Size determined by the Shared Pool sizing
Data Dictionary Cache:(数据字典缓冲)
--A collection of the most recently used definitions in the database
--Includes information about database files, tables, indexes, columns, users, privileges, and other database objects
--During the parse phase, the server process looks at the data dictionary for information to resolve object names and validate access
--Caching data dictionary information into memory improves response time on queries and DML
--Size determined by the Shared Pool sizing
Database Buffer Cache(真正用来存储数据的缓冲区)
--Store copies of data blocks that have been retrieved from the data files
--Enables great performance gains when you obtain and update data
--Managed through and LRU algorithm
--DB_BLOCK_SIZE determines primary block size
--Consists of independent sub caches:
--Can be dynamically resized
-sql>alter system set DB_CACHE_SIZE=96M;
--DB_CACHE_ADVICE set to gather statistics for predicting different cache size behavior
(数据库性能调优时是否统计收集在不同cache size大小时的数据库行为)
--Statistics displayed by V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE
--Records all changes made to the database data blocks
--Primary purpose is recovery
--Changes recorded within are called redo entries
--Redo entries contain information to reconstruct or redo changes
--Size defined by LOG_BUFFER
可选项Large Pool和Java Pool
PGA:Memory reserved for each user process connecting to an Oracle database.
Allocated when a process is create.
Deallocated when the process is terminated.
Used by only one process.
User Process:客户端连接oracle后的客户端进程
Server Process:有客户端连接时与该客户端进程连接的服务器进程
Background Process:名字格式ora_xxxx_sid,分两种
三者之间的关系类似为:oracle整体相当于一个工厂,background process相当于这个工厂的生产线上的工人,server process相当于销售科的人,user process相当于客户,客户想要下订单要找销售科的人然后销售科的人再找生产部门生产
远程连接oracle与本地连接oracle(TCP/IP & IPC):
Database Writer(DBWn):
Log Writer(LGWR):
System Monitor(SMON):(监视整个系统)
Process Monitor(PMON):(监控进程)