谈谈单元测试中的测试桩实践 (4)



package shannon.demo;


import thirdparty.any.NtpClock;



 * <code>UnitTestFirewall</code> is the facility to

 * ease unit test

 * @author Shannon Qian


public final class UnitTestFirewall {

    private static boolean debugging=false;


    /**Returns true if it's in debugging mode, else false.

     * @return the debugging


    public static boolean isDebugging() {

       return debugging;



    /**Sets Debugging flag as true if it's time to unit test.

     * @param on - the debugging to set, true for on and false

     * for off


    public static void setDebugging(boolean on) {

       UnitTestFirewall.debugging = on;



    private final static NtpClock _ntpClock=new NtpClock();


    private static class NtpClockWrapper implements Clock {

       public long getTime() {

           return _ntpClock.getTime();




    private static NtpClockWrapper ntpClock = null;

    private static Clock clock = null;


    /**sets the Clock instance for debugging.

     * If candidate is not null, {@link #getClock()} will

     * return it when debugging is true.

     * @param candidate - the Clock instance for debugging


    public static void presetClock(Clock candidate) {




    /**Returns the Clock instance for <code>SystemTimeSynchronizer

     * </code>'s invocation.

     * @return - Clock instance


    public static Clock getClock() {

       if(debugging && clock != null) {

           return clock;

       } else {

              if(ntpClock == null)

                  ntpClock = new NtpClockWrapper();

              return ntpClock;





