

开始看这本书:The Art of Unit Testing With Examples in .NET。选择它,两个原因:

  1. 单元测试是保证代码质量的基石和安全网。
  2. 该书篇幅短小精湛,而且非常实用。非常期待看到Chapter 8中的Tough Questions and Answers,其中有对如下问题的回答。
    • How much time will this add to the current process?
    • Will my QA job be at risk because of this?
    • How do we know this is actually working?
    • Is there proof that unit testing helps?
    • Why is the QA department still finding bugs?
    • We have lots of code without tests: where do we start?
    • We work in several languages: is unit testing feasible?
    • What if we develop a combination of software and hardware?
    • How can we know we don’t have bugs in our tests?
    • My debugger shows that my code works: why do I need tests?
    • Must we do TDD-style coding?

如果能够顺利回答这些问题,相信unit test的实施就不是问题了。
