Rest 概念


About URL

identifies a web resource
many to one

About representation

a view of a resource’s state at an instant in time. This viewis encoded in one or more transferable formats, such as XHTML,Atom , XML, JSON,plain text, MP3, or JPEG ….

The web verbs

the set of verbs supported by HTTP—GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,OPTIONS, HEAD, TRACE, CONNECT, and PATCH

About Hypermedia

Like state machine
form of links

What is REST?

Network Architectural style
Coined by Roy Fielding in his Ph.D. dissertation in 2000
Resourcesare defined and addressed
Transmitsdomain-specific data over HTTP
Doesnot have any SOAP messaging layer or HTTP cookies

REST is not a standard

No W3C specification (EDIT: But there is an XML database thathas such an API: eXist )
REST is built on the concepts:
HTTP (transferringmechanism)
URL (resource address)
XML/HTML/GIF/JPEG (Resourcerepresentations)
text/xml,text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg (MIME types)
