[考试] 2007年度上学期 计算系统基础(A卷上机)

  • 1. 在D盘新建一个文件夹,命名为exam_071251***(即你的学号);
  • 2. 两道题目均保存在这个目录下;
  • 3. 交卷时,退出LC-3模拟器和VC,即可离开考场;
  • 4. 不允许使用U盘;
  • 5. 请关闭手机等通讯设备。


1. (10%) LC-3 assembly language program:
Inputs a single digit and prints out that number of letters from the beginning of the alphabet. For example, if the user enters "4", "abcd" is printed to the screen, followed by a line feed.

letter    | ASCII
'a'       | x0061
line feed | x000A
'0'       | x0030

(LC-3汇编程序设计:用户输入一位十进制数 n,程序输出字母表开头的前 n个字母。例如:如果用户输入“4”,则输出“abcd”,并换新行。)

2. (10%) C程序设计:
编写一个函数 void delnum( char* s ),将s所指的字符串中的数字字符删除。

1. test1.asm
; Written by RednaxelaFX, 2008/01/09
; Use R2 for 'a'
; Use R4 for iteration count
; Use R5 for max iteration count
; Use R6 for ASCII to int conversion
                .ORIG   x3000
INIT            LD  R2, ASCIIa
                LD  R6, A2I
INPUT           ; get input from keyboard
                TRAP    x23
                ADD R5, R0, R6 ; get digit from ASCII
                ; initialze R4 for loop
                AND R4, R4, #0
OUTPUT          ; print ('a' + R4)
                ADD R0, R2, R4
                TRAP    x21
                ; increment R4
                ADD R4, R4, #1
                ; check iteration condition
                NOT R3, R4
                ADD R3, R3, #1
                ADD R3, R5, R3 ; R3 = R5 - R4
                BRp OUTPUT
                ; end of loop
                ; print line feed
                LD  R0, ASCIILineFeed
                TRAP    x21
ASCIILineFeed   .FILL   x000A
ASCIIa          .FILL   x0061
A2I             .FILL   x-30

2. test2.c
 * Written by RednaxelaFX, 2008/01/09

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void delnum( char* s ) {
    int origLen;
    char* tempStr;
    char* origPtr;
    char* tempPtr;
    origLen = strlen( s );
    tempStr = ( char* ) malloc( ( origLen + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) );
    if ( NULL == tempStr) {
        printf( "Memory allocation failure.\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    origPtr = s;
    tempPtr = tempStr;
    strncpy( tempStr, s, origLen );
    *( tempStr + origLen ) = '\0';
    while ( *tempPtr ) {
        if ( !( ( *tempPtr >= '0' ) && ( *tempPtr <= '9' ) ) ) {
            *origPtr = *tempPtr;
    *origPtr = '\0';
    free( tempStr );

void main( ) {
    char input[50];
    printf( "Enter a string: " );
    scanf( "%s", input );
    delnum( input );
    printf( "Output: %s\n", input );
