Hotspot JVM 参数总结

我对Java Hotspot
Java HotSpot VM Options

同时,在工作中有一些没有接触到的参数,我不打清楚其含义跟作用, 也请了解的朋友留言赐教.这些Option我贴在了文章最后面.

JVM 选项不严格的被分为三类:
1.Behavioral options, 用以改变VM的基本行为.

2.Performance tuning options,影响VM的重要参数,对其进行调整进行性能调优.

3.Debug Options,用来在log中进行跟踪,打印一些VM信息.


1.Boolean Options:

-XX:+  表示打开

-XX:-  表示关闭

2.Numeric options
-XX:=. 数字需包括'm' or 'M'代表单位megabytes, 'k' or 'K'代表单位 kilobytes,'g' or 'G' 代表单位 gigabytes,例如 for example, 32k
与32768代表同一值 32x1024.

3.String options
-XX:=,通常用来声明 log path.


Behavioral Options

关闭调用System.gc()方法, 但是JVM还是会在需要的时候进行full GC.

在Major GC 之前 进行一次 Minor GC

对 Tenured Generation 使用 CMS(concurrent mark-sweep collection)算法.

Young Generation使用Parallel算法,Tenured Generation 使用 Serial算法.

在Full GC 中使用 Parallel GC 算法

使用Young Old 带均使用Serial算法

Performance Options

为java heap 设置page size

在GC之后 最小的空闲heap占总heap的比例Minimum percentage of heap free after GC to avoid expansion.

设置在GC之后, 最大的空闲heap占总heap的比例

设置 New Generation最大值.

设置Perm Generation的大小.

n = new/old generation sizes

new generation的默认值


Debugging Options

设置Heap Dum 存储路径


用户自定义命令, 在OutOfMemory Error抛出时运行定义命令.





设置Parallel Garbage Collector的thread 数量

设置控制对象从新生代转移到到旧生代的Minor GC次数

-XX:-TraceClassLoading Trace loading of classes.

-XX:-TraceClassLoadingPreorder Trace all classes loaded in order
referenced (not loaded). (Introduced in 1.4.2.XX:-TraceClassResolution
Trace constant pool resolutions. (Introduced in 1.4.2.)

Trace unloading of classes.

Trace recording of loader constraints. (Introduced in 6.)

Saves jvmstat binary data on exit.

Enables the use of compressed pointers (object references represented as
32 bit offsets instead of 64-bit pointers) for optimized 64-bit
performance with Java heap sizes less than 32gb.

Pre-touch the Java heap during JVM initialization. Every page of the
heap is thus demand-zeroed during initialization rather than
incrementally during application execution.

Sets the prefetch distance for object allocation. Memory about to be
written with the value of new objects is prefetched into cache at this
distance (in bytes) beyond the address of the last allocated object.
Each Java thread has its own allocation point. The default value varies
with the platform on which the JVM is running.

-XX:InlineSmallCode= I
Inline a previously compiled method only if its generated native code
size is less than this. The default value varies with the platform on
which the JVM is running.

Maximum bytecode size of a method to be inlined.

Maximum bytecode size of a frequently executed method to be inlined. Thedefault value varies with the platform on which the JVM is running.

Unroll loop bodies with server compiler intermediate representation node count less than this value. The limit used by the server compiler is a function of this value, not the actual value. The default value varies with the platform on which the JVM is running.

Sets the initial tenuring threshold for use in adaptive GC sizing in the parallel young collector. The tenuring threshold is the number of timesan object survives a young collection before being promoted to the old,or tenured, generation.

Print a histogram of class instances on Ctrl-Break. Manageable.
(Introduced in 1.4.2.) The jmap -histo command provides equivalent

Print java.util.concurrent locks in Ctrl-Break thread dump. Manageable.
(Introduced in 6.) The jstack -l command provides equivalent

Print flags that appeared on the command line. (Introduced in 5.0.)

Print message when a method is compiled.
