[I suppose the guy who need this will be able to read this article]
I have a shared host on Bluehost.com, and want to have a lot of python libraries and applications to work on it.
Since it’s a shared host, I can’t install python libs, while I love ez_setup so much, I can’t live on python world without it.
Knowing from python-cn group, that I could build and use my own python on it. I should have got this solution earlier, this might be simple and naive for linux users.
OK, now let’s do it:
1. you must have shell access, please contact the bluehost support for a shell access
2. my dev box is windows xp, so I use putty, to connect my host 2maomao.com
3. then use wget to download latest python, unzip it
wget http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.5.2/Python-2.5.2.tgz tar xvzf Python-2.5.2.tgz
4. this step is critical, you need to replace “twomaom1″ to your own user name below:
cd Python-2.5.2 ./configure --prefix=/home/twomaom1/mypython --enable-unicode=ucs4 make make install
5. now, let’s use the new python instead of the old one, you need to
a). cd ~
b). use any editor(I use vim), to edit your “.bashrc” file, add the following line at the end of the file
export PATH=/home/twomaom1/mypython/bin/:$PATH export PYTHONPATH="/home/twomaom1/mypython/lib/python2.5:$PYTHONPATH"
6. now type “bash” and enter to refresh the shell, type “python -V” to view the python version.
You should already been successful.
from now on, easy_install or “python setup.py”, it’s your choice
Oh…don’t forget, in your python script, use the correct python path in the head, like mine:
Enjoy it ~!
0. 安装自己的Python,参见:configure your own python 2.5.2 on bluehost
1. 安装完以后重启shell(直接敲bash回车或者重连putty)
2. 下载并安装ez_setup
3. 我用mysql,所以安装mysql-python: easy_install mysql-python
4. 安装flup和django:
easy_install flup
7. 新建个t.fcgi,改为可执行(chmod +x t.fcgi),内容如下:
8. 到/home/twomaom1/django目录下,生成一个工程,叫做code(注意,如果你用python manage.py runserver的方式,最好不要用code做工程的名字,会出错的,似乎是个bug),里面的settings.py配置好mysql
9. 打开浏览器看一下吧,应该差不多了
静态文件设置我试过django自带的、apache alias和Apache rewrite,在开发时使用这种方法还不错。
在bluehost上,我是用的是Apache RewriteRule(见上面的Apache配置),直接把东西放到了t.fcgi所在目录的某个子目录下。
据说Alias也很不错,我试过很多次,每次都是500 Server Internal Error,放弃了
注意:有时候改了文件,想要重启django server,由于fastcgi的预加载,需要做如下尝试:
1. 改变时间戳:touch t.fcgi文件,或者直接打开后强制保存
2. 如果上述方法无效,则尝试把t.fcgi改名,一会儿再改回来
3. 简单粗暴有效果的方法:
ps -ef | grep python
twomaom1 16445 1982 0 09:41 ? 00:00:00 /home/twomaom1/twomaom1/bin/python t.fcgi
kp 16445