destroy() bug in 1.0 alpha3 rev2 - Ext JS

When using the destroy() function to remove a dialog from the dom, the shadow is not removed (if using shadow: true). It needs to be updated to include:

if (this.shadow) {
  # 2  
03-09-2007, 04:20 PM

It's not a bug. In Ext 1.0 there is a global pool of shadows shared by components that need shadows. This way if you make 10 menus and 10 dialogs you don't have 20 shadows. Instead they all share from a pool of shadows which are created/reused when needed and returned to the pool when hidden. I plan to implement a similar iframe shim pool as I think it could really help lower resource usage.

I don't recommend adding that line as it would probably break the pooling.
