Database Replay

  1. You start a capture process that records activities against the database.
  2. The process writes the activities to special files called "capture files" in a directory called /capture directory/.
  3. After a while you stop the capture process and move these capture files to a test system in a directory called /replay directory/.
  4. You start a replay process and several replay clients to replay all these capture files.
  5. The capture files are applied against the test database.


Database Replay_第1张图片

Runthe simulation workload from a SQL*Plus prompt.

In the real situation,merely let the capture run for a while to capture allworkload.

YOu can replay it after preprecessing.

when the EM is shown as below:

Database Replay_第2张图片

run the following script from command line

wrc userid=henry password=henry replaydir=E:/app/Henrybaiwentao/capture

You can start more clients to process the workload in parallel.

then see the results like this:

Database Replay_第3张图片
