

1. $&,$`,$'用在模式匹配中


print$'." ";






2.Perl - $_ and @_

Perl's a great language for special variables - variables that are set up without the programmer having to intervene and providing information ranging from the number of lines read from the current input file ($.)through the current process ID ($$)and the operating system ($^O). Other special variables effect how certain operations are performed ( $| controlling output buffering / flushing, for example), or are fundamental in the operation of certain facilities - no more so than $_ and @_.

Lets clear a misconception. $_and @_are different variables. In Perl, you can have a list and a scalar of the same name, and they refer to unrelated pieces of memory.

$_ is known as the "default input and pattern matching space".In other words, if you read in from a file handle at the top of a whileloop, or run a foreachloop and don't name a loop variable, $_ is set up for you. Then any regular expression matches, chops (and lcs and many more) without a parameter, and even prints assume you want to work on $_. Thus:
while ($line = <FH>) {
if ($line =~ /Perl/) {
print FHO $line;
print uc $line;

Shortens to:
while (<FH>) {
/Perl/ and
print FHO ;
print uc;

@_ is the list of incoming parameters to a sub.So if you write a sub, you refer to the first parameter in it as $_[0], the second parameter as $_[1]and so on. And you can refer to $_#as the index number of the last parameter:
sub demo {
print "Called with ",$#_+1," params/n";
print "First param was $_[0]/n";

Note that the Englishmodule adds in the ability to refer to the special variables by other longer, but easier to remember, names such as @ARG for @_ and $PID for $$. But use English;can have a detrimental performance effect if you're matching regular expressions against long incoming strings.
