Sencha Touch MVC 模式

model 层:
Ext.define('HelloWorld.model.Station', {
    extend: '',
    fields: ['id', 'name'],
    proxy: {
        type: 'ajax',
        url: 'data/stations.json',
        reader: {
            type: 'json',
            root: 'results' 

Ext.define('', {  //定义store
    extend: '',
    requires: 'HelloWorld.model.Station',
    model: 'HelloWorld.model.Station',
    autoLoad: true

Ext.define('HelloWorld.controller.Home', {
    extend: '',	
    views: ['Home', 'SimpleList'],//声明该控制层要用到的view
	stores: ['Stations'], //声明该控制层要用到的store

	refs: [{   //映射,这样就可以在控制层方便的通过geter取得相应的对象了
		    selector: 'carousel > panel > #bottomInput',
		    ref: 'bottomField'
            selector: 'carousel > list', 
            ref: 'stationList'
    init: function() {
        console.log('Init home controller');
		// Start listening for events on views
            // example of listening to *all* button taps
			'button': { 'tap': function () {
						console.log('Every button says Hello world');
            // Example of listening by an explicit id
			'#firstButton': { 'tap': function () {
						console.log('Only the button with id=firstButton says Hello');

	onLaunch: function() {
		console.log('onLaunch home controller');
        // The "getter" here was generated by specifying the 
        // stores array (above)
        var stationsStore = this.getStationsStore();  
            callback: this.onStationsLoad,
            scope: this
	onStationsLoad: function() {
        console.log('onStationsLoad home controller');
        // get a reference to the view component
        var stationsList = this.getStationList();
        // do something
    onStationSelect: function(selModel, selection) {
        // Fire an application wide event
        this.application.fireEvent('stationstart', selection[0]);

//view 层 不复杂
Ext.define('HelloWorld.view.SimpleList', {
	extend: 'Ext.Panel',	
	alias: 'widget.simplelist',
	layout: 'vbox',
	config : {
		items: [ 	
		{ xtype: 'list', 
            layout: 'fit', //fullscreen: true, 
            height: '200',
            store: 'Stations',
            itemTpl: '{id} :: {name}'
	initialize: function() {
	    console.log('initialize simplelist view');	    

Ext.Loader.setConfig({ enabled: true }); //开启动态加载


// Main application entry point
	phoneStartupScreen: 'images/sencha_logo.png',
	name: 'HelloWorld',  //命名空间 
    // the controller will take care of creating the view        
	controllers: ['Home'],  //声明所用到的控制层
	// You could delete this, here only to illustrate
    // the sequence of events		
	initialize: function () {  //初始化
		console.log('app initialize');
	launch: function() {       //开始        
		console.log('app launch');
		var carousel = Ext.create('Ext.Carousel', {
		    fullscreen: true,
		    // clean instantiation using the widget.alias's defined
            // in each view
			items: [
                { xtype: 'home' },
				{ xtype: 'simplelist' }                

看的老外的demo !                                
