SAP BOBJ整合成功?才刚上路呢


由于SAP BI与EPM的产品线与BOBJ的BI EPM产品线重合过多,第一步一定是战略性地决定去留。

但是Integration Kit有些功能只不过是过渡性的,比如根据BEx Query生成Universe供BOBJ前端工具使用,Universe几乎作用于BEx Query就是相同的,这是再明显不过的过渡解决方案了。

BI 4.0开始,几乎所有工具都支持BICS直连BW了,Universe更专注于关系型数据库,其实也就是非SAP BW客户对BOBJ的需求。但是性能和稳定性一直还是整合中的大问题。



1. SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 (BI platform) is installed.
2. SAP NetWeaver Composition Environment 7.2 (SPS 03 or higher) is installed and it has BusinessObjects LCM Web Application or the complete SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 is deployed on it.
3. SAP Solution Manager 7.0 EHP1 SP25 is installed and is used as the domain controller for CTS+,at least for the configuration of SAP BusinessObjects systems.
For more information about configuring the transport domain, see
4. SAP Business Warehouse 7.0 (SPS 24 or higher) systems are installed. For more information, see SAP note
5. SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) transport landscape is configured in the Change and Transport System.


那么想像一下那些不愿意如此费力整合到CTS+的用户,再更改了BEx Query以后,要在BW一端用CTS传输,又要跑到SBOP BI4一端传输,过多的步骤一定会容易导致人为的错误。


客户要管BW ABAP stack,要管JAVA stack,现在还要管BOBJ平台。这就是收购带来的痛。
