独立程序与本地化教程(stand alone & localization)
This is our first basic C++ tutorial. It also shows how to write a stand alone executable using orx and how to use the localization module (orxLOCALE).
这是我们的第一个C++基础教程。它也展示了如何使用orx编写独立的可执行文件和使用本地化模 块(orxLOCALE)。
As we are NOT using the default executable anymore for this tutorial, its code will be directly compiled into the executable and not into an external library.
由 于我们在此教程中不再使用默认的可执行文件,它的代码会被直接编译成可执行文件而不是外部库。
This implies that we will NOT have the default hardcoded behavior we had in the previous tutorials:
这暗示了我们不再有前几个教程中的如下默认行 为:(译注:内置于默认可执行文件,同时下面的几点原本也都是否定句式,但与这里的否定矛盾,原意应该是下面这些特性会在StandAlone版本中失 效)
A program based directly on orx 1) , by default, will also NOT exit if it receives the orxSYSTEM_EVENT_CLOSE event.To do so, we will either have to use the helper orx_Execute() function ( see below ) or handle it ourselves.
一个直接基于orx的程序(注释1,即不再依靠 ORX 启动器),默认收到orxSYSTEM_EVENT_CLOSE事件后不退出。为了改变这种情况,我们必须使用orx_Execute() 函数(如下link)或者自己处理。
See previous basic tutorials for more info about basic object creation , clock handling , frames hierarchy , animations , cameras & viewports , sounds & musics , FXs , physics and scrolling .
查看之前关于basic object creation , clock handling , frames hierarchy , animations , cameras & viewports , sounds & musics , FXs , physics and scrolling 的基础教程以获得更多的信息。
As we're on our own here, we need to write the main function and initialize orx manually.The good thing is that we can then specify which modules we want to use, and deactivates display or any other module at will, if needed.
我们现在只能靠自己了,所以必须自己写main 函数和手动初始化orx。
好 处是如果需要,我们可以任意指定要使用哪些模块,停用显示模块或其他模块。
If we still want a semi-automated initialization of orx, we can use the orx_Execute() function.This tutorial will cover the use of orx with this helper function, but you can decide not to use it if its behavior doesn't suit your needs.
如果我们还是想要半自动初始化orx,我们可以 使用orx_Execute()函数。
This helper function will take care of initializing everything correctly and exiting properly.
It will also make sure the clock module is constantly ticked (as it's part of orx's core) and that we exit if the orxSYSTEM_EVENT_CLOSE event is sent.
This event is sent when closing the windows, for example, but it can also be sent under your own criteria (escape key pressed, for example).
这个辅助函数将会确保所有部分正确初始化和妥善 退出。
它 也将确保clock模块正常运作(作为 orx的核心部分)并且当(备注,一个模块不断被触发,不太好理解,事实上是表示clock一直在正常计时)
此 事件在关闭窗口时发送,但是也可以按你的标准发送(例如按下Esc键)。
This code is also a basic C++ example to show how to use orx without having to write C code.
This tutorial could have been architectured in a better way (cutting it into pieces with headers files, for example) but we wanted to keep a single file per *basic* tutorial.
这 些代码同样也是一个基础的C++示例,用来演示如何通过C语言以外的语言来使用orx。
本教程本来应该用另外一种更好的方式组织起来 (例如分割成多个头文件)但是我们希望每个基础教程都只有一个文件。
This stand alone executable also creates a console (as does the default orx executable), but you can have you own console-less program if you wish.
In order to achieve that, you only need to provide an argc/argv style parameter list that contains the executable name.
If you don't, the default loaded config file will be orx.ini instead of being based on our executable name (ie. 10_StandAlone.ini).
这个独立可执行文件会创建一个终端(和默认的 orx可执行文件一样),但是如果你喜欢也可以创建一个没有终端的可执行文件。
为了实现上述目标,你只需要提供一个包含该可执行文件名的argc/argv风格的 参数表即可。
如 果不这样的话,默认加载的配置文件是orx.ini,取代基于可执行文件名的配置文件(例如 10_StandAlone.ini)。
For visual studio users (windows), it can easily be achieved by writing a WinMain() function instead of main(), and by getting the executable name (or hardcoding it, as it's shamelessly done in this tutorial
对visual studio 用户(windows)而言,可以轻松通过撰写WinMain() 替代main() 函数,并且获取可执行文件的名称(或者硬编码实现,正如本教程中可耻地这么做鸟^.^) 。
This tutorial simply display orx's logo and a localized legend. Press space or click left mouse button to cycle through all the availables languages for the legend's text.
本 教程简单的现实了orx的logo和一个本地化的说明。按空格键或者点击鼠标左键以循环显示所有可用语言的说明文本。
Some explanations about core elements that you can find in this tutorial:
下面是一些你可以在本教程中找到的核心元素的解 释:
Let's start with the includes.
让 我们从包含的文件开始。
#include "orx.h"
That's all you need to include so as to use orx. This include works equally with a C or a C++ compiler 3) .
这就是你要使用orx所需要包含的唯一文件。它在C和C++(注释3,在这种情 况下预编译宏 __orxCPP__ 会被自动定义)编译器下都工作良好。
Let's now have a look at our StandAlone class that contains orx's Init(), Run() and Exit() callbacks.
现在看下我们的StandAlone类,包含orx Init()、Run()和Exit()回调函数。
class StandAlone
static orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL EventHandler(const orxEVENT *_pstEvent);
static orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL Init();
static void orxFASTCALL Exit();
static orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL Run();
void SelectNextLanguage();
StandAlone() : m_poLogo(NULL), s32LanguageIndex(0) {};
~StandAlone() {};
orxSTATUS InitGame();
Logo *m_poLogo;
orxS32 s32LanguageIndex;
All the callbacks could actually have been defined out of any class. This is done here just to show how to do it if you need it.
We see that our StandAlone class also contains our Logo object and an index to the current selected language.
所有的回调函数实际上都可以定义在任何类之外。这里这么做只是演示当你需要的时候你可以这么做。 我们看到StandAlone类也包含了我们的logo对象和一个当前选中的语言的索引。
Let's now have a look to our Logo class definition.
class Logo
orxOBJECT *m_pstObject;
orxOBJECT *m_pstLegend;
Nothing fancy here, we have a reference to an orxOBJECT that will be our logo and another one that will be the displayed localized legend.
As you'll see we won't use the reference at all in this executable, we just keep them so as to show a proper cleaning when our Logo object is destroyed. If we don't do it manually, orx will take care of it when quitting anyway.
这里没有什么特别的,我们用指针指向一个 orxOBJECT作为我们的logo,另一个用来指向显示的本地化说明。如你所见,我们在这个可执行文件里将不会使用这个可执行文件的所有引用,我们只 是保持它们以便显示在销毁Logo对象时被正确地清理。如果我们不手动做,在退出的时候orx会替我们搞定。
Let's now see its constructor.
m_pstObject = orxObject_CreateFromConfig("Logo");
orxObject_SetUserData(m_pstObject, this);
m_pstLegend = orxObject_CreateFromConfig("Legend");
As seen in the previous tutorials we create our two objects (Logo and Legend) and we link our Logo C++ object to its orx equivalent using orxObject_SetUserData().
用前面的教程中讲的方法,我们创建了两个对象 (Logo和Legend)并且我们通过
orxObject_SetUserData()把Logo C++对象链接到它对应的orx对象上。
Simple cleaning here as we only delete our both objects.
Let's now see our main function.
现 在看看我们的main函数:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
orx_Execute(argc, argv, StandAlone::Init, StandAlone::Run, StandAlone::Exit);
As we can see, we're using the orx_Execute() helper that will initialize and execute orx for us.
In order to do so, we need to provide it our executable name and the command line parameters along with three callbacks: Init(), Run() and Exit().
正如我们看见的,我们使用 orx_Execute() 辅助函数来初始化和执行orx。
这样我们需要提供我们的可执行文件名称和命令行参数和三个回调函数:Init()、Run() 和Exit()。
We will only exit from this helper function when orx quits.
Let's have a quick glance at the console-less version for windows.
#ifdef __orxMSVC__
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE PrevInstance,
LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) {
// Inits and executes orx
orx_WinExecute(StandAlone::Init, StandAlone::Run, StandAlone::Exit);
// Done!
} #endif
Same as for the traditional main() version except that we use the orx_WinExecute() helper that will compute the correct command line parameters and use it. 4)(the ones given as parameter don't contain the executable name which is needed to determine the main config file name )
This only works for a console-less windows game 5) .(which uses WinMain() instead of main())
和 旧的main() 版本一样除了我们使用orx_WinExecute()辅助函数来计算正确的命令行参数并使用它(注释4,这些给出的参数并没有包含我们需要的用来决定主 配置文件名的可执行文件的名字)。
Let's now see how our Init() code looks like.
现在看看我们的Init() 代码是怎么样的:
orxSTATUS StandAlone::Init()
orxLOG("10_StandAlone Init() called!");
return soMyStandAloneGame.InitGame();
We simply initialize our StandAlone instance by calling its InitGame() method.
Let's see its content.
orxEvent_AddHandler(orxEVENT_TYPE_LOCALE, EventHandler);
m_poLogo = new Logo();
std::cout << "The available languages are:" << std::endl;
for(orxS32 i = 0; i < orxLocale_GetLanguageCounter(); i++)
std::cout << " - " << orxLocale_GetLanguage(i) << std::endl;
We simply register a callback to catch all the orxEVENT_TYPE_LOCALE events.
We then instanciate our Logo object that contains both logo and legend.
We also outputs all the available languages that have been defined in config files. We could have used the orxLOG() macro to log as usual (on screen and in file), but we did it the C++ way here to show some diversity.
We finish by creating our viewport, as seen in all the previous tutorials.
我们简单地注册了一个捕捉所有 orxEVENT_TYPE_LOCALE事件的回调函数。
然后实例化所有在配置文件中定义的可用语言。我们通常可以用orxLOG() 宏来记录(在屏幕上和文件里),但是我们这里用C++的方式来实现以表示多样性。
Let's now see our Exit() callback.
现 在看下我们的Exit()回调函数:
void StandAlone::Exit()
delete soMyStandAloneGame.m_poLogo;
soMyStandAloneGame.m_poLogo = NULL;
orxLOG("10_StandAlone Exit() called!");
Simple Logo object deletion here, nothing surprising.
Now let's have a look to our Run() callback.
orxSTATUS StandAlone::Run()
if(orxInput_IsActive("CycleLanguage") && orxInput_HasNewStatus("CycleLanguage"))
orxLOG("Quit action triggered, exiting!");
eResult = orxSTATUS_FAILURE;
return eResult;
Two things are done here.
First when the input CycleLanguage is activated we switch to the next available language, then when the Quit one is activated, we simply return orxSTATUS_FAILURE.
When the Run() callback returns orxSTATUS_FAILURE orx (when used with the helper orx_Execute()) will quit.
首先我们当CycleLanguage被激活时,我们切换到下一个可用的语言,其次 如果Quit被激活,我们简单地返回orxSTATUS_FAILURE。
当Run()回调函数返回orxSTATUS_FAILURE时orx(使用 orx_Execute()辅助函数)将会退出。
Let's have a quick look to the SelectNextLanguage() method.
让我们快速的浏览一下 SelectNextLanguage() 方法。
void StandAlone::SelectNextLanguage()
s32LanguageIndex = (s32LanguageIndex == orxLocale_GetLanguageCounter() - 1) ? 0 : s32LanguageIndex + 1;
We basically go to the next available language (cycling back to the beginning of the list when we reached the last one) and selects it with the orxLocale_SelectLanguage() function.
When doing so, all created orxTEXT objects will be automatically updated if they use a localized string. We'll see how to do that below in the config description.
We can also catch any language selection as done in our EventHandler callback.
基本上我们只是移动到下一个可用的语言(如果到 最后一个则循环到列表的开头)并通过orxLocale_SelectLanguage()函数选择它。
当我们这么做时,如果使用一个本地化字符串的已 创建orxTEXT对象将会被自动更新。我们会在下面的配置描述中看到如何实现。
orxSTATUS orxFASTCALL StandAlone::EventHandler(const orxEVENT *_pstEvent)
pstPayload = (orxLOCALE_EVENT_PAYLOAD *)_pstEvent->pstPayload;
orxLOG("Switching to '%s'.", pstPayload->zLanguage);
As you can see, we only track the orxLOCALE_EVENT_SELECT_LANGUAGE event here so as to display which is the new selected language.
如你所见,我们只跟踪 orxLOCALE_EVENT_SELECT_LANGUAGE事件来显示新选择的语言。
We're now done with the code part of this tutorial. Let's now have a look at the config.
现在我们完成了本教程代码的部分。让我们看看配 置吧。
First of all, as you might have seen, we use different folder for different architectures.
In other words, the tutorials for Mac OS X are in the /mac folder, the ones for Linux in the /linux and so on. By default orx will look in the current folder to find the main config file.
As we don't want to duplicate the config file in all the architecture folders, we create a very simple one which purpose is only to include the one that contains all the info and which is in the parent folder.
换而言之,Mac OS X的教程放在 /mac文件夹,Linux的教程放在/linux,以此类推。默认的情况下,orx会查找当前目录下的主配置文件。
为了避免在不同的平台下都有重复的配置文件,我 们创建了一个简单地配置文件包含了父文件夹中配置文件的全部信息。
Let's see how we do this by looking at the content of 10_StandAlone.ini from one of the sub-folder (ie. one that is stored in the same folder than the tutorial executable).
让我们通过其中一个子目录(即和教程可执行文件 存储位置相同的文件夹)下的10_StandAlone.ini 的内容看看怎么实现的。
That's all we can find in it. As you can see in the template files , we can include other config files by writing @path/to/FileToInclude@.
所有的内容如上。就像你在 配置语法说明 中看到的,我们可以通过@path/to /FileToInclude@ 在一个配置文件中包含其他的配置文件。(译注:这里怀疑是作者的问题,template files实际是想链接到WIKI的配置的说明上去)
Let's now have a look at the config file which is stored in the parent folder (ie. ../10_StandAlone.ini ).
现在我们看看父文件夹中存储的配置文件(即 ../10_StandAlone.ini link):
First let's define our display.
ScreenWidth = 800
ScreenHeight = 600
Title = Stand Alone/Locale Tutorial
As you can see, we're creating a window of resolution 800×600 and define its title.
如你所见,我们将要创建一个分辨率为 800×600的窗口,并且定义了他的标题。
We now need to provide info for our viewport and camera.
现在我们要提供视口(viewport)和摄像 头(camera)配置段的信息:
Camera = Camera
BackgroundColor = (20, 10, 10)
FrustumWidth = @Display.ScreenWidth
FrustumHeight = @Display.ScreenHeight
FrustumFar = 2.0
Position = (0.0, 0.0, -1.0)
Nothing new here as everything was already covered in the viewport tutorial .
与我们在 视口教程 (viewport tutorial)中提到的没有任何区别。
Let's now see which inputs are defined.
SetList = MainInput
KEY_SPACE = CycleLanguage
MOUSE_LEFT = CycleLanguage
In the Input section, we define all our input sets. In this tutorial we'll only use one called MainInput but we can define as many sets as we want (for example, one for the main menu, one for in-game, etc…).
The MainInput sets contain 3 mapping:
在Input配置段,我们定义我们所有的输入集 合。本教程中我们只会用到一个叫做MainInput的集合,但我们也定义其他任意想要使用的集合(例如,主菜单一个,游戏中一个,等等)。
We can add as many inputs we want in this section and bind them to keys, mouse buttons (including wheel up/down), joystick buttons or even joystick axes.
我们可以在这个配置段加入任意多的输入集合并且 将它们绑定到按键、鼠标按钮(包括滚轮上/下)、游戏摇杆按钮甚至游戏摇杆的方向轴。
Let's now see how we define languages that will be used by the orxLOCALE module.
现在让我们看看怎么定义将要被 orxLOCALE模块使用的语言。
LanguageList = English#French#Spanish#German#Finnish#Swedish#Norwegian
Content = This is orx's logo.
Lang = (English)
Content = Ceci est le logo d'orx.
Lang = (Fran?ais)
Content = Este es el logotipo de orx.
Lang = (Espa?ol)
Content = Das ist orx Logo.
Lang = (Deutsch)
Content = T?m? on orx logo.
Lang = (Suomi)
Content = Detta ?r orx logotyp.
Lang = (Svenska)
Content = Dette er orx logo.
Lang = (Norsk)
To define languages for localization we only need to define a Locale section and define a Language List that will contain all the languages we need.
After that we need to define one section per language and for every needed keys (here Content and Lang) we set their localized text.
为了定义本地化需要的语言我们要定义一个 Locale配置段和一个包含我们所需要全部的语言的列表。
As the localization system in based on orx's config one, we can use its inheritance capacity for easily adding new languages to the list (in another extern file, for example), or even for completing languages that have been partially defined.
由于本地化系统是基于orx配置部分,我们可以 使用它的继承能力来简化把语言加入列表的过程(例如在另一个外部文件中),甚至也可以完善曾经只被部分定义的语言。
Let's now see how we defined our Logo object.
Texture = ../../data/object/orx.png
Pivot = center
Graphic = LogoGraphic
FXList = FadeIn # LoopFX # ColorCycle1
Smoothing = true
Again, everything we can see here is already covered in the object tutorial .
又一次,所有的内容我们都已经在 对象教程 (object tutorial)中涵盖了。
If you're curious you can look directly at 10_StandAlone.ini to see which kind of FXs we defined, but we won't cover them in detail here.
如果你对我们定义了哪些FX感到好奇,你可以直 接查看 10_StandAlone.ini ,但是我们不会在这里讨论它们的细节。
Next thing to check: our Legend object.
下 一个要查看的是:我们的Legend对象:
ChildList = Legend1 # Legend2
Surprise! Actually it's an empty object that will spawn two child objects: Legend1 and Legend2.
Code-wise we were creating a single object called Legend but apparently we'll end up with more than one object.
The same kind of technique can be used to generated a whole group of objects, or a complete scenery for example, without having to create them one by one code-wise.
It's even possible to chain objects with ChildList and only create a single object in our code and having hundreds of actual objects created.
However, we won't have direct pointers on them, which means we won't be able to manipulate them directly.
That being said, for all non-interactive/background object it's usually not a problem.
Be also aware that their frames (cf. frame tutorial ) will reflect the hierarchy of the ChildList 'chaining'.
通过这样的编码方式,我们创建了一个叫做Legend的单独对象但显然最终将超过一 个对象。同样的技术也可以用来创建一组的对象,或者是完成一个场景,而不是一个一个创建。同样可以将对象通过ChildList串联起来并只在我们的代码 中创建一个单独的对象而同时有数百个对象被创建。
话虽这么说,对所有非交互/后台对象这却不是一 个问题。
同时 请注意他们的帧(参考:frame tutorial LINK)会影响ChildList ‘串联’的继承。
Ok, now let's get back to our two object, Legend1 and Legend2.
好了,现在让我们回到Legend1 和Legend2两个对象。
Graphic = Legend1Graphic
Position = (0, 0.25, 0.0)
FXList = ColorCycle2
ParentCamera = Camera
Graphic = Legend2Graphic
Position = (0, 0.3, 0.0)
FXList = @Legend1
ParentCamera = @Legend1
They look very basic, they're both using the same FX (ColorCyle2), they both have a Position and each of them has its own Graphic.
它们看起来很基本,都是用了相同的 FX(ColorCyle2),它们也都有一个位置并且各自有它们的Graphic。
NB: We can also see that we defined the ParentCamera attribute for both of them. This means that their actual parent will become the camera and not the Legend object in the end.
注 意:我们也可以看到我们为它们定义了ParentCamera属性。这意味着最终它们实际的父对象为Camera而不是Legend对象。
However Legend will still remain their owner, which means that they'll automatically be erased when Legend will be deleted.
然而Legend还将是它们的拥有者,这说明它们将会在Legend被销毁时自动被 销毁。
Let's now finish by having a look at their Graphic objects.
现在让我们看一下它们的Graphic对象作为 结束。
String = $Content
String = $Lang
Pivot = center
Text = Legend1Text
Pivot = center
Text = Legend2Text
We can see that each Graphic has its own Text attribute: Legend1Text and Legend2Text.
They both have a different String.
The leading $ character indicates that we won't display a raw text but that we'll use the content as a key for the localization system.
So in the end, the Legend1 object will display the localized string with the key Content, and Legend2 the one which has the key Lang.
我们可以看到每一个Graphic都有自己的 Text属性:Legend1Text和Legend2Text。
开头的$字符说明我们不会显示一个原始的文本但 内容作为我们将会把内容作为本地化系统的关键字。
所以在最后,Legend1对象会显示该关键字Content的本地化字符串,Legend2会 显示关键字Lang的本地化字符串。
Everytime we will switch to another language, both orxTEXT objects (ie. Legend1Text and Legend2Text) will have their content updated automagically in the new selected language.
As we saw earlier, we can catch the orxLOCALE_EVENT_SELECT_LANGUAGE event to do our own specific processing in addition, if needed.
每一次我们会切换到另一个语言,所有的orxTEXT对象(例如Legend1Text和 Legend2Text)会根据新选择的语言自动更新它们的内容。:)
正如我们早前看到的,如果需要,我们还可以捕获 orxLOCALE_EVENT_SELECT_LANGUAGE事件来进行特定的处理。
源代码: 10_StandAlone.cpp
配置文件: 10_StandAlone.ini
1) 即不再依靠ORX 启动器
2) 在orx.h中实现
3) 在这种情 况下预编译宏 __orxCPP__ 会被自动定义
4) 这些给出的参数并没有包含我们需要的用来决定主配置文件名的可执行文件的名字
5) 使用WinMain()替代main()