一早接到email 通知,FMS 3.5 正式開始販售,想想從它去年 announce 到現在開賣,還真是隔了很久,但正式販售代表的意義是 - 至少有 trial version 可玩了。
新版本功能看來很好很強大,只可惜就是沒有 AS3 支援,也沒有其它 scripting/language support,所以還是要繼續跟 AS1 打交道啊。
下面是 release note 裏看來的 new features (只列出我覺得有趣+值得觀察的項目,
[1b]*Plug-in architecture[/1b]
Integrate with other servers, back-end services, and workflows with the new plug-in architecture. Three classes of plug-ins for authorization, server access, and file access let you extend Adobe® Flash® Media Interactive Server 3.5 software with custom connectivity, security, and deployment options.
這點很重要是因為以前 FMS app 很容易被人家亂搞,自已寫個 fake client 就連去,結果浪費頻寬等問題一大堆,現在透過自製 plugin 門檻就高一點。
[1b]*MPEG-4 video recording[/1b]
mpeg-4 + HD 的重要性就不用多說了,現在不到 1080P HD 等級大概不用肖想吃 CDN 或 streaming content 這塊了,所以這次從 encoder, DVR 到 dynamic streaming 都支援,算是非常符合時勢
[1b]*AMF3 support[/1b]
有點雞肋,but nice to have.
[1b]*Easier implementation
*More secure content delivery[/1b]
[1b]Lock down your high-definition content and communications with enhanced stream protection and server-side security. Encrypted H.264 streaming is now supported — with the encrypted Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMPE), you get higher performance at 128-bit encryption strength. In edition with RTMPE, protect SWF files from being reused or modified, and help prevent unauthorized connections with improved SWF verification. Use the plug-in architecture to create custom, real-time rights control by validating with external services such as LDAP or SOAP.
新增支援 windows server 2008, red hat 5.2, RTMPE 加密串流到 air runtime
[1b]*Multipoint publishing[/1b]
Use multipoint publishing to remotely inject new live or prerecorded streams into your delivery system to quickly add time-sensitive content. This is most useful when working with a content delivery network (CDN) or distributed servers.
這個聽起來很威,但全世界有能力玩這種等級的 CDN 大概沒幾家吧,例如 MediaTemple, BrightCove 或少數幾個 in-house 的媒體。
[1b]*Stream data access[/1b]
Create dynamic thumbnails or video previews on the client side with the ability to take a snapshot of the streamed video (requires Flash Player 9 or later).
這個不算新鮮事,但在 fp9 裏實作手法可能更有趣,我推測是直接從 binary stream (byte array) 裏做 memory dump 然後生成 preview,這個要等裝起來玩後才能驗証了。
另外從 FMS 3 開始就支援一個 RTMFP 格式,如果你有在 follow MAX 2008,應該已經注意到讓每個人眼睛一亮的 p2p 功能(包含正 beta 中的
service),RTMFP 就是讓 p2p 成真的 UDP 傳輸格式,只是之前一定要用 FMS 才行,現在也可選擇不俱 Audio/Video 能力的 Stratus (or better yet, can we have standard SIP support ?) 來玩同樣的事,就看口袋深度囉…XD