
//Purpose.  Bridge design pattern
//1. Create an implementation/body abstraction
//2. Derive the separate implementations from the common abstraction
//3. Create an interface/handle class that "has a" and delegates to the impl
//4. Embellish the interface class with derived classes if desired
class Node {
    public int  value;
    public Node prev, next;
    public Node( int i ) { value = i; }

class Stack {
 private StackImpl impl;
 public Stack( String s ) {
     if      (s.equals("array")) impl = new StackArray();
     else if (s.equals("list"))  impl = new StackList();
     else System.out.println( "Stack: unknown parameter" );
 public Stack()                { this( "array" ); }
 public void    push( int in ) { impl.push( in ); }
 public int     pop()          { return impl.pop(); }
 public int     top()          { return impl.top(); }
 public boolean isEmpty()      { return impl.isEmpty(); }
 public boolean isFull()       { return impl.isFull(); }

class StackHanoi extends Stack {
 private int totalRejected = 0;
 public StackHanoi()           { super( "array" ); }
 public StackHanoi( String s ) { super( s ); }
 public int reportRejected()   { return totalRejected; }
 public void push( int in ) {
     if ( ! isEmpty()  &&  in > top())
     else super.push( in );
}   }

class StackFIFO extends Stack {
 private StackImpl temp = new StackList();
 public StackFIFO()           { super( "array" ); }
 public StackFIFO( String s ) { super( s ); }
 public int pop() {
     while ( ! isEmpty())
         temp.push( super.pop() );
     int ret =  temp.pop();
     while ( ! temp.isEmpty())
         push( temp.pop() );
     return ret;
}  }

interface StackImpl {
 void    push( int i );
 int     pop();
 int     top();
 boolean isEmpty();
 boolean isFull();

class StackArray implements StackImpl {
 private int[] items = new int[12];
 private int   total = -1;
 public void push( int i ) { if ( ! isFull()) items[++total] = i; }
 public boolean isEmpty()  { return total == -1; }
 public boolean isFull()   { return total == 11; }
 public int top() {
     if (isEmpty()) return -1;
     return items[total];
 public int pop() {
     if (isEmpty()) return -1;
     return items[total--];
}   }

class StackList implements StackImpl {
 private Node last;
 public void push( int i ) {
     if (last == null)
         last = new Node( i );
     else {
         last.next = new Node( i );
         last.next.prev = last;
         last = last.next;
 }   }
 public boolean isEmpty() { return last == null; }
 public boolean isFull()  { return false; }
 public int top() {
     if (isEmpty()) return -1;
     return last.value;
 public int pop() {
     if (isEmpty()) return -1;
     int ret = last.value;
     last = last.prev;
     return ret;
}   }

public class BridgeDisc {
 public static void main( String[] args ) {
     Stack[] stacks = { new Stack( "array" ), new Stack( "list" ),
         new StackFIFO(), new StackHanoi() };
     for (int i=1, num; i < 15; i++)
         for (int j=0; j < 3; j++)
             stacks[j].push( i );
     java.util.Random rn = new java.util.Random();
     for (int i=1, num; i < 15; i++)
         stacks[3].push( rn.nextInt(20) );
     for (int i=0, num; i < stacks.length; i++) {
         while ( ! stacks[i].isEmpty())
             System.out.print( stacks[i].pop() + "  " );
     System.out.println( "total rejected is "
         + ((StackHanoi)stacks[3]).reportRejected() );
}   }

