vi Uniq - Removing duplicate lines

想在vi里直接删除掉重复的行,go了下,发现和shell里其实一样的,不过花样会更多,go到一篇很赞的文章,故记录下,同时也分享下这个网站,vi tips 相当赞




The following command will sort all lines and remove duplicates (keeping unique lines):

:sort u

If you need more control, here are some alternatives.

There are two versions, the first leaves only the last line, the second leaves only the first line.


Breakdown of the second version:

g//d <-- Delete the lines matching the regexp
\@<= <-- If the bit following matches, make sure the bit preceding this symbol directly precedes the match
\(.*\)$ <-- Match the line into subst register 1
\%( ) <--- Group without placing in a subst register.
^\1$\n <--- Match subst register 1 followed by end of line and the new line between the 2 lines

In this simple format (matching the whole line), it's not going to make much difference, but it will start to matter if you want to do stuff like match the first word only.

This does a uniq on the first word in the line, and deletes all but the first line:



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Here are some more Vim-native ways for removing duplicate lines. This time they don't have to be adjacent. Line order is preserved.

This one can be a bit slow.

:nno \d1 :g/^/m0<CR>:g/^\(.*\)\n\_.*\%(^\1$\)/d<CR>:g/^/m0<CR>

This is faster. Uses mark l .

:nno \d2 :g/^/kl\|if search('^'.escape(getline('.'),'\.*[]^$/').'$','bW')\|'ld<CR>

Following uses a substitute to delete all repeated lines (leaving only the first line, while deleting following duplicate lines). This is a variation on the g//d method.



