Public Const REPORT_TYPE_TABLE=0 'A table style report, write to a new sheet Public Const REPORT_TYPE_TEMPLATE=1 'Write to a Excel template with formats Public Class Report Private reportType As Integer Private template As String 'Template name in the case of REPORT_TYPE_TEMPLATE Private VIEW_TEMPLATE As String 'Name of the view storing templates 'Notes variables Private session As NotesSession Private db As NotesDatabase Private ws As NotesUIWorkspace Private viewExport As NotesView 'Excel relevant variables Public Save As Boolean Private xlFileName As String Private xlApp As Variant Private xlWork As Variant Private xlSheet As Variant Private writer As SheetWriter Sub New() me.reportType=REPORT_TYPE_TABLE me.VIEW_TEMPLATE="vwExcelTemplate" me.xlFileName = "" Set session = New NotesSession Set db = session.CurrentDatabase Set ws=New NotesUIWorkspace End Sub '创建 Excel.Application 对象 Private Function CreateExcelObject() As Integer CreateExcelObject = False If me.reportType=REPORT_TYPE_TABLE And me.Save Then If xlFileName = "" Then Dim result As Variant result=ws.Savefiledialog(False, "Lotus Notes", "Excel workbook|*.xlsx|Excel 97-2003 workbook|*.xls") If IsEmpty(result) Then Exit Function me.xlFileName=result(0) End If End If Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") If xlApp Is Nothing Then 'Error 6503,"创建 Excel.Application 对象失败,请确认是否安装Excel 。" Error 6503, "Failed to create an Excel object. Check if Excel is installed." End If xlApp.Visible = False If me.reportType=REPORT_TYPE_TABLE then Set xlWork = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Else Set xlWork=xlApp.Workbooks.Open(me.xlFileName) End If xlApp.referenceStyle = 2 Set xlSheet = xlApp.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1) Set writer=New SheetWriter(me.xlSheet) If me.Save Then Call xlWork.SaveAs( xlFilename ) End If CreateExcelObject = True Exit Function End Function %REM Function ExtractTemplate Description: Comments for Function %END REM Private Function ExtractTemplate() As Boolean ExtractTemplate=False Dim doc As NotesDocument Set doc=GetDocByKey(me.VIEW_TEMPLATE, me.template) If doc Is Nothing Then Exit Function End If 'The template is stored in the 'Template' item Dim rtItem As NotesRichTextItem Set rtItem=doc.GetFirstItem("Template") Dim eo As NotesEmbeddedObject Set eo=rtItem.Embeddedobjects(0) If eo Is Nothing Then Exit Function End If Dim temp As String temp=Environ("TEMP") Dim path As String randomize path=temp & "\" & Rnd() & eo.Name Call eo.Extractfile(path) me.xlFileName=path ExtractTemplate=True End Function Public Function Export() As Integer Export = False If me.reportType=REPORT_TYPE_TEMPLATE Then If Not me.ExtractTemplate() Then Exit Function End If End If If Not CreateExcelObject() Then Exit Function If me.reportType=REPORT_TYPE_TABLE Then Call ExportTitle() '把视图标题行导出到Excel文件的第一行 End If Call ExportData() '开始导出数据 If me.Save Then Call xlWork.Save() Call xlApp.Quit() MsgBox "A report is successfully saved to " & xlFileName & "." Else me.xlApp.Visible=True End If Export = True End Function %REM If the report type is TABLE, write the first line of the worksheet as column headers. To be overloaded in sub classes. %END REM Private Function ExportTitle End Function 'Write in the worksheet, to be overloaded in sub classes. Private Function ExportData() End Function End Class
Public Class LiaisonReport As ExpReport 'internal variables Private intYear As Integer Private intMonth As Integer Private otherCols As NArray Private nav As NotesViewNavigator Sub New(selYear As Integer, selMonth As Integer) me.intYear=selYear me.intMonth=selMonth Set viewExport=db.Getview("vhLiaisonForm") Set otherCols=New NArray(-1) With otherCols Call .Add("Month") Call .Add("Day") Call .Add("Year") Call .Add("Description") Call .Add("Nature") Call .Add("Nature Desc.") Call .Add("Amount") Call .Add("Source") Call .Add("Type") Call .Add("Chart of account") Call .Add("Expense account") Call .Add("No") Call .Add("Pay from") Call .Add("Office") Call .Add("Unit") Call .Add("Check No.") End With Dim v As Variant v=accountInfos.GetList() End Sub Private Function ExportData Dim entryCol As NotesViewEntryCollection Dim entry As NotesViewEntry Dim detailDc As NotesDocumentCollection Dim detailDoc As NotesDocument Dim keys(1) As Integer keys(0)=me.intYear keys(1)=me.intMonth Set nav=me.viewExport.Createviewnavfromcategory(CStr(intYear)&"-"&Cstr(intMonth)) Set entry=nav.Getfirst() Do Until entry Is Nothing Call me.WriteCols(entry) Call writer.NextRow() Set entry=nav.Getnextcategory(entry) Loop End Function Private Function ExportTitle() Dim cols As Variant Dim i As Integer cols=me.otherCols.container For i=0 To UBound(cols) writer.WriteCell(cols(i)) Next Call writer.NextRow() End Function %REM Description: Comments for Function %END REM Private Function WriteCols(entry As NotesViewEntry) Dim amount As Double amount=entry.Columnvalues(4) Set entry=nav.Getchild(entry) Dim doc As NotesDocument Set doc=entry.Document Dim ed As New ExtDoc(doc) 'Calculate the "expense office" used to get office code Dim office As String office=doc.Getitemvalue("Office")(0) Dim payFrom As String payFrom=doc.Getitemvalue("expPayfrom")(0) Dim ctg As String ctg=GetValueByKey("vwPaymentSource", payFrom, "Category", "") Dim expOffice As String If ctg="Bank" Then expOffice=GetValueByKey("vwPaymentSource", payFrom, "Office", "") Else expOffice=office End If Dim code As String code=GetValueByKey("vwOffice", expOffice, 1, "") 'Month writer.WriteCell(Month(doc.Getitemvalue("PLYM")(0))) 'Day writer.WriteCell(Day(doc.Getitemvalue("PLYM")(0))) 'Year writer.WriteCell(Year(doc.Getitemvalue("PLYM")(0))) 'Description writer.WriteCell(doc.Getitemvalue("Title")(0)) 'Nature Dim account As String Dim nature As String Dim ai As AccountInfo account=doc.Getitemvalue("expChart")(0) If me.accountInfos.Contains(account) Then Set ai=me.accountInfos.Item(account) nature=ai.Nature Else nature="" End If writer.WriteCell(nature) 'Nature Desc Dim desc desc=GetValueByKey("vwNature", nature, 1, "") If IsEmpty(desc) Then desc="" End If writer.WriteCell(desc) 'Amount writer.WriteCell(amount) 'Source Dim chart As String Dim source As String chart=LCase(doc.Getitemvalue("expChart")(0)) If chart="citi" Or chart="others" Or chart="pc" Then source="C" End If If ctg="Bank" Then source="C" Else source="P" End If writer.WriteCell(source) 'Type Dim sType As String Select Case chart Case "citi" sType="W" Case "others" sType="I" Case "pc" sType="T" Case Else sType="E" End Select writer.WriteCell(sType) 'Chart of account writer.WriteCell(doc.Getitemvalue("expChart")(0) & "-" & code) 'Expense account writer.WriteCell(doc.Getitemvalue("expAccount")(0)) 'No writer.WriteCell(doc.Getitemvalue("No")(0)) 'Pay from writer.WriteCell(doc.Getitemvalue("expPayfrom")(0)) 'Office writer.WriteCell(office) 'Unit Dim unit As Variant unit=DBLookup("vwOffice", office, 3, "") If IsEmpty(unit) Then unit="" Else unit=unit(0) End If writer.WriteCell(unit) 'Check No. writer.WriteCell(ed.GetParentDoc().Getitemvalue("expCheck")(0)) End Function End Class