Grails(23)Grails with Multi Tenant and Executor Plugins - Maven Deploy

Grails(23)Grails with Multi Tenant and Executor Plugins - Maven Deploy

Multi Tenant Plugin

Executor Plugin

It seem that these 2 plugins will not work if we put them together. Fetch and get the source codes from Multi Tenant.

>git clone

Change some of the codes in here.
if (currentTenant.get() != 0 && setTenantId != currentTenant.get()) {
        println "Failed Update Because TenantId Doesn't Match"
        shouldFail = true;

The class is grails.plugin.multitenant.core.hibernate.TenantEventHandler

Build and Package this plugin.
>grails clean
>grails upgrade
>grails compile
>grails package-plugin

This command will generate the eclipse project configuration files.
>grails integrate-with --eclipse

Install the maven publisher plugin
>grails install-plugin maven-publisher

These configuration in BuildConfig.groovy will publish to target server
grails.project.dependency.distribution = {
     remoteRepository(id: "pluginSnapshots", url: "") {
          authentication username: "builder", password: “change me"
     remoteRepository(id: "pluginReleases", url: "") {
          authentication username: "builder", password: “change me"
     remoteRepository(id: "pluginFeature", url: "") {
          authentication username: "builder", password: “change me"

This command will do to publish the jar to the repository.
>grails "maven-deploy --repository=pluginSnapshots"

