

1、primitive types ['primitiv] adj 原始的
   The variable holds the value, and it’s placed on the stack, so it’s much more efficient.
efficient [i'fiʃənt] adj 有效的
char    16-bit
byte    8-bit
short   16-bit
int     32-bit
long    64-bit
float   32-bit
double 64-bit

2、All numeric types are signed, so don’t look for unsigned types.
numeric [nju:'merik] adj 数字的

3、Java includes two classes for performing high-precision arithmetic: BigInteger and BigDecimal
precision [pri'siʒən] n 精确度
arithmetic [ə'riθmətik] n 算数

4、BigInteger supports arbitrary-precision integers. This means that you can accurately represent integral values of any size without losing any information during operations
arbitrary ['ɑ:bitrəri] adj 任意的
represent [repri'zent] vt 描绘

5、BigDecimal is for arbitrary-precision fixed-point numbers; you can use these for accurate monetary calculations
accurate   ['ækjurit] adj 精确的
monetary   ['mʌnitəri] adj 货币的
calculation[kælkju'leiʃən] n 计算

6、Virtually all programming languages support arrays

7、If a program accesses the array outside of its memory block or uses the memory before initialization , there will be unpredictable results
unpredictable   [ʌnpri'diktəbl] adj. 无法预言的, 不可预测的

8、One of the primary goals of Java is safety, so many of the problems that plague programmers in C and C++ are not repeated in Java
plague [pleiɡ] n 瘟疫

9、the assumption is that the safety and increased productivity is worth the expense
assumption    [ə'sʌmpʃən] n 假设
productivity [prɔdʌk'tiviti] n 生产力
expense       [iks'pens] n 花费

10、this section shows how Java greatly simplifies the issue by doing all the cleanup work for you.
simplify   ['simplifai] vt 简化
issue      ['isju:] n 问题

11、Indentation makes Java code easier to read. Since Java is a free-form language, the extra spaces, tabs, and carriage returns do not affect the resulting program.
Indentation   [ɪnden'teiʃən] n 缩进

12、the reference s vanishes at the end of the scope.However, the String object that s was pointing to is still occupying memory
vanish   ['væniʃ] vi   消失, 突然不见

13、 Java has a garbage collector, which looks at all the objects that were created with new and figures out which ones are not being referenced anymore

14、memory leak

15、the class body consists only of a comment

16、you can put two types of elements in your class: fields (sometimes called data members), and methods (sometimes called member functions).

17、When a primitive data type is a member of a class, it is guaranteed to get a default value if you do not initialize it
guarantee   [ɡærən'ti:] vt   保证; 担保
