1) 确定mViews所在类:android 4.2之前,获取类为android.view.WindowManagerImpl,4.2及之后,获取类为WindowManagerGlobal
String windowManagerClassName; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { windowManagerClassName = "android.view.WindowManagerGlobal"; } else { windowManagerClassName = "android.view.WindowManagerImpl"; } windowManager = Class.forName(windowManagerClassName)
2). 获得类的实例:此类是个单例类,有直接的静态变量可以获取到其实例, 4.2及之后的版本其变量名为sDefaultWindowManager,3.2至4.1,其变量名为sWindowManager,3.2之前,其变量名为mWindowManager。
/** * Sets the window manager string. */ private void setWindowManagerString(){ if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { windowManagerString = "sDefaultWindowManager"; } else if(android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 13) { windowManagerString = "sWindowManager"; } else { windowManagerString = "mWindowManager"; } }
3). 获取mViews变量的值了,从4.4开始类型变为ArrayList<View>,之前为View[]
viewsField = windowManager.getDeclaredField("mViews"); instanceField = windowManager.getDeclaredField(windowManagerString); viewsField.setAccessible(true); instanceField.setAccessible(true); Object instance = instanceField.get(null); View[] result; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19) { result = ((ArrayList<View>) viewsField.get(instance)).toArray(new View[0]); } else { result = (View[]) viewsField.get(instance); }
1) 当前显示的以及没有显示的Activity的DecorView
2) 当前对话框的DecorView
3) 悬浮框View等其他不属于DecorView的独立View
最上层的Activity/Dialog + 悬浮框
private final View[] getNonDecorViews(View[] views) { View[] decorViews = null; if(views != null) { decorViews = new View[views.length]; int i = 0; View view; for (int j = 0; j < views.length; j++) { view = views[j]; if (view != null && !(view.getClass().getName() .equals("com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView"))) { decorViews[i] = view; i++; } } } return decorViews; }
/** * Returns the most recent view container * * @param views the views to check * @return the most recent view container */ private final View getRecentContainer(View[] views) { View container = null; long drawingTime = 0; View view; for(int i = 0; i < views.length; i++){ view = views[i]; if (view != null && view.isShown() && view.hasWindowFocus() && view.getDrawingTime() > drawingTime) { container = view; drawingTime = view.getDrawingTime(); } } return container; }
private void addChildren(ArrayList<View> views, ViewGroup viewGroup, boolean onlySufficientlyVisible) { if(viewGroup != null){ for (int i = 0; i < viewGroup.getChildCount(); i++) { final View child = viewGroup.getChildAt(i); if(onlySufficientlyVisible && isViewSufficientlyShown(child)) views.add(child); else if(!onlySufficientlyVisible) views.add(child); if (child instanceof ViewGroup) { addChildren(views, (ViewGroup) child, onlySufficientlyVisible); } } } }从上面的代码可以看出,当 only SufficientlyVisible 为 true 时, robotium 会对控件的可见不可见进行检查。不过这里的可见不可见不是指 Visible 或 Invisible ( Robotium 过滤 Invisible 控件的方法是 RobotiumUtils.removeInvisibleViews, 原理是利用 view.isShown() 方法),而是指由于界面滚动而导致的没有显示或显示不完全。继续看 Robotium 对 SufficientlyVisible 是怎么判断的:
public final boolean isViewSufficientlyShown(View view){ final int[] xyView = new int[2]; final int[] xyParent = new int[2]; if(view == null) return false; final float viewHeight = view.getHeight(); final View parent = getScrollOrListParent(view); view.getLocationOnScreen(xyView); if(parent == null){ xyParent[1] = 0; } else{ parent.getLocationOnScreen(xyParent); } if(xyView[1] + (viewHeight/2.0f) > getScrollListWindowHeight(view)) return false; else if(xyView[1] + (viewHeight/2.0f) < xyParent[1]) return false; return true; }