



MPMoviePlayerController *player =
        [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL: myURL];
[player prepareToPlay]
[player.view setFrame: myView.bounds];  // player's frame must match parent's
[myView addSubview: player.view];
// ...
[player play];


将moviePlayer认为是一个封闭的结构,你可以在movie的Layer content上添加自定义的子试图但是绝不要修改它已经存在的子试图。 (view)


Use the MPMoviePlayerWillEnterFullscreenNotification and MPMoviePlayerWillExitFullscreenNotification notifications to detect changes to and from fullscreen mode


MPMediaPlayback 中的方法用代码来控制视频播放的大部分操作。该协议中的方法能让你开始,停止,根据当前播放的内容向前或者向后,甚至改变播放的速率。controlStyle属性能够展示一些系统提供的标准的控制按钮来控制视频的播放。同时你也可以设置shouldAutoplay属性来决定是否自动播放网络视频文件。

当你创建了一个MPMoviePlayerController的时候,你指定了要播放的视频文件。但是,你可以通过设置contentUrl属性来改变正在播放的视频。改变这个属性使你重新利用了同一个movie Player


Although you can create multiple MPMoviePlayerController objects and present their views in your interface, only one movie player at a time can play its movie.




To play a network stream whose URL requires access credentials, first create an appropriate NSURLCredential object. Do this by calling, for example, the initWithUser:password:persistence: method, as shown here:

  • NSURLCredential *credential = [[NSURLCredential alloc]

  •                         initWithUser: @"userName"

  •                             password: @"password"

  •                         persistence: NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession];


  • self.credential = credential;

  • [credential release];

In addition, create an appropriate NSURLProtectionSpace object, as shown here. Make appropriate modifications for the realm you are accessing:

  • NSURLProtectionSpace *protectionSpace = [[NSURLProtectionSpace alloc]

  •                             initWithHost: ""

  •                                     port: 80

  •                                 protocol: @"http"

  •                                   realm: @""

  •                     authenticationMethod: NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault];


  • self.protectionSpace = protectionSpace;

  • [protectionSpace release];

Add the URL credential and the protection space to the Singleton NSURLCredentialStorage object. Do this by calling, for example, the setCredential:forProtectionSpace: method, as shown here:

  • [[NSURLCredentialStorage sharedCredentialStorage]

  •                     setDefaultCredential: credential

  •                       forProtectionSpace: protectionSpace];

With the credential and protection space information in place, you can then play the protected stream.

一 Movie Player Notifications


  1. 视频开始播放,暂停,快进,快退(四个)

  2. AirPlay播放开始,结束(两个)

  3. 视屏的scaling mode改变了

  4. 视频进入全屏或者退出全屏

  5. 网络视频的load state改变了

  6. 网络视频的meta-information可以获得了

二 支持的格式

.mov, .mp4, .mpv, and .3g

  • H.264 Baseline Profile Level 3.0 video, up to 640 x 480 at 30 fps. (The Baseline profile does not support B frames.) 

  • MPEG-4 Part 2 video (Simple Profile)

If you use this class to play audio files, it displays a white screen with a QuickTime logo while the audio plays. For audio files, this class supports AAC-LC audio at up to 48 kHz, and MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3) up to 48 kHz, stereo audio.
