build Build an Extension From C Source
bundle Unpacks a Pecl Package
channel-add Add a Channel
channel-alias Specify an alias to a channel name
channel-delete Remove a Channel From the List
channel-discover Initialize a Channel from its server
channel-info Retrieve Information on a Channel
channel-login Connects and authenticates to remote channel server
channel-logout Logs out from the remote channel server
channel-update Update an Existing Channel
clear-cache Clear Web Services Cache
config-create Create a Default configuration file
config-get Show One Setting
config-help Show Information About Setting
config-set Change Setting
config-show Show All Settings
convert Convert a package.xml 1.0 to package.xml 2.0 format
cvsdiff Run a "cvs diff" for all files in a package
cvstag Set CVS Release Tag
download Download Package
download-all Downloads each available package from the default channel
info Display information about a package
install Install Package
list List Installed Packages In The Default Channel
list-all List All Packages
list-channels List Available Channels
list-files List Files In Installed Package
list-upgrades List Available Upgrades
login Connects and authenticates to remote server [Deprecated i
n favor of channel-login]
logout Logs out from the remote server [Deprecated in favor of c
makerpm Builds an RPM spec file from a PEAR package
package Build Package
package-dependencies Show package dependencies
package-validate Validate Package Consistency
pickle Build PECL Package
remote-info Information About Remote Packages
remote-list List Remote Packages
run-scripts Run Post-Install Scripts bundled with a package
run-tests Run Regression Tests
search Search remote package database
shell-test Shell Script Test
sign Sign a package distribution file
svntag Set SVN Release Tag
uninstall Un-install Package
update-channels Update the Channel List
upgrade Upgrade Package
upgrade-all Upgrade All Packages [Deprecated in favor of calling upgr
ade with no parameters]
Usage: pear [options] command [command-options] <parameters>
Type "pear help options" to list all options.
Type "pear help shortcuts" to list all command shortcuts.
Type "pear help <command>" to get the help for the specified command.
###C:\Windows\system32>pear config-show
Auto-discover new Channels auto_discover <not set>
Default Channel default_channel pear.php.net
HTTP Proxy Server Address http_proxy <not set>
PEAR server [DEPRECATED] master_server pear.php.net
Default Channel Mirror preferred_mirror pear.php.net
Remote Configuration File remote_config <not set>
PEAR executables directory bin_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
PEAR documentation directory doc_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
PHP extension directory ext_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
PEAR directory php_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
PEAR Installer cache directory cache_dir C:\Users\lbg\AppData\Local\Temp\
PEAR configuration file cfg_dir C:\php\pear\cfg
PEAR data directory data_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
PEAR Installer download download_dir C:\Users\lbg\AppData\Local\Temp\
PHP CLI/CGI binary php_bin E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
php.ini location php_ini E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
--program-prefix passed to php_prefix <not set>
PHP's ./configure
--program-suffix passed to php_suffix <not set>
PHP's ./configure
PEAR Installer temp directory temp_dir C:\Users\lbg\AppData\Local\Temp\
PEAR test directory test_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
PEAR www files directory www_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
Cache TimeToLive cache_ttl 3600
Preferred Package State preferred_state stable
Unix file mask umask 0
Debug Log Level verbose 1
PEAR password (for password <not set>
Signature Handling Program sig_bin E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
Signature Key Directory sig_keydir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
Signature Key Id sig_keyid <not set>
Package Signature Type sig_type gpg
PEAR username (for username <not set>
User Configuration File Filename E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
System Configuration File Filename E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5
###C:\Windows\system32>pear help config-set
pear config-set [options] <parameter> <value> [layer]
Sets the value of one configuration parameter. The first argument is
the name of the parameter, the second argument is the new value. Some
parameters are subject to validation, and the command will fail with
an error message if the new value does not make sense. An optional
third argument may be used to specify in which layer to set the
configuration parameter. The default layer is "user". The
configuration value will be set for the current channel, which
is controlled by the default_channel configuration variable.
-c CHAN, --channel=CHAN
show configuration variables for another channel
###C:\Windows\system32>pear config-set doc_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5.4.29-0\php\PEAR\doc
config-set succeeded
###C:\Windows\system32>pear config-set cfg_dir E:\3_website\Bitnami\wampstack-5.4.29-0\php\PEAR\cfg
config-set succeeded
###C:\Windows\system32>pear update-channels
Updating channel "doc.php.net"
Channel "doc.php.net" is up to date
Updating channel "pear.amazonwebservices.com"
Channel "pear.amazonwebservices.com" is up to date
Updating channel "pear.pdepend.org"
Channel "pear.pdepend.org" is up to date
Updating channel "pear.php.net"
Channel "pear.php.net" is up to date
Updating channel "pear.phpmd.org"
Channel "pear.phpmd.org" is up to date
Updating channel "pecl.php.net"
Channel "pecl.php.net" is up to date
###C:\Windows\system32>pear list-upgrades
pear.amazonwebservices.com sdk 1.5.13 (stable) 2.6.16 (stable) 1218kB
pear.php.net Archive_Tar 1.3.7 (stable) 1.3.13 (stable) 19.5kB
pear.php.net Console_Table 1.2.0 (stable) 1.2.1 (stable) 11.2kB
pear.php.net Net_SMTP 1.6.1 (stable) 1.6.2 (stable) 12.8kB
pear.php.net PHP_CodeSniffer 1.5.3 (stable) 2.1.0 (stable) 444kB
###C:\Windows\system32>pear upgrade-all
Will upgrade channel://pear.amazonwebservices.com/sdk
Will upgrade channel://pear.php.net/archive_tar
Will upgrade channel://pear.php.net/console_table
Will upgrade channel://pear.php.net/net_smtp
Will upgrade channel://pear.php.net/php_codesniffer
Unknown remote channel: guzzlephp.org/pear
Did not download optional dependencies: pear/Console_Color2, use --alldeps to do
wnload automatically
WARNING: "pear/Auth_SASL" is deprecated in favor of "pear/Auth_SASL2"
aws/sdk requires package "channel://guzzlephp.org/pear/Guzzle" (version >= 3.0.3
pear/Console_Table can optionally use package "pear/Console_Color2" (version >=
downloading Archive_Tar-1.3.13.tgz ...
Starting to download Archive_Tar-1.3.13.tgz (19,891 bytes)
.......done: 19,891 bytes
downloading Console_Table-1.2.1.tgz ...
Starting to download Console_Table-1.2.1.tgz (11,332 bytes)
...done: 11,332 bytes
downloading Net_SMTP-1.6.2.tgz ...
Starting to download Net_SMTP-1.6.2.tgz (13,077 bytes)
...done: 13,077 bytes
downloading PHP_CodeSniffer-2.1.0.tgz ...
Starting to download PHP_CodeSniffer-2.1.0.tgz (453,888 bytes)
...done: 453,888 bytes
upgrade-all ok: channel://pear.php.net/Archive_Tar-1.3.13
upgrade-all ok: channel://pear.php.net/Console_Table-1.2.1
upgrade-all ok: channel://pear.php.net/Net_SMTP-1.6.2
upgrade-all ok: channel://pear.php.net/PHP_CodeSniffer-2.1.0
###C:\Windows\system32>pear channel-discover pear.phing.info
Adding Channel "pear.phing.info" succeeded
Discovery of channel "pear.phing.info" succeeded
###C:\Windows\system32>pear install -o phing/phing
Unknown remote channel: pear.phpunit.de
Unknown remote channel: pear.phpunit.de
WARNING: "pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager" is deprecated in favor of "pear/PEAR_Pac
Unknown remote channel: pear.phpunit.de
Unknown remote channel: pear.phpunit.de
Unknown remote channel: pear.phpdoc.org
Did not download optional dependencies: phing/phingdocs, pear/VersionControl_SVN
, pear/VersionControl_Git, channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit, channel://pear.php
unit.de/PHP_CodeCoverage, pecl/Xdebug, pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager, pear/Servic
es_Amazon_S3, pear/HTTP_Request2, pdepend/PHP_Depend, phpmd/PHP_PMD, channel://p
ear.phpunit.de/phpcpd, channel://pear.phpunit.de/phploc, channel://pear.phpdoc.o
rg/phpDocumentor, pear/Net_Growl, use --alldeps to download automatically
phing/phing can optionally use package "phing/phingdocs" (version >= 2.9.1)
phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/VersionControl_SVN" (version >= 0.4
phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/VersionControl_Git" (version >= 0.4
phing/phing can optionally use package "channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit" (vers
ion >= 3.6.0)
phing/phing can optionally use package "channel://pear.phpunit.de/PHP_CodeCovera
ge" (version >= 1.1.0)
phing/phing can optionally use package "pecl/Xdebug" (version >= 2.0.5)
phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/PEAR_PackageFileManager" (version >
= 1.5.2)
phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/Services_Amazon_S3" (version >= 0.3
phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/HTTP_Request2" (version >= 2.1.1)
phing/phing can optionally use package "pdepend/PHP_Depend" (version >= 0.10.0)
phing/phing can optionally use package "phpmd/PHP_PMD" (version >= 1.1.0)
phing/phing can optionally use package "channel://pear.phpunit.de/phpcpd" (versi
on >= 1.3.3)
phing/phing can optionally use package "channel://pear.phpunit.de/phploc" (versi
on >= 1.6.4)
phing/phing can optionally use package "channel://pear.phpdoc.org/phpDocumentor"
(version >= 2.0.0b7)
phing/phing can optionally use package "pear/Net_Growl" (version >= 2.6.0)
downloading phing-2.9.1.tgz ...
Starting to download phing-2.9.1.tgz (487,205 bytes)
.........................................done: 487,205 bytes
install ok: channel://pear.phing.info/phing-2.9.1