关于emboss的“xxx is not a valid EMBOSS application”

debian 7.1 装上 emboss 之后,试着点击 emboss-explorer 左侧“sort by group”栏里的东西,一点就显示错误:xxx is not a valid EMBOSS application

遂 google 之,在 http://sourceforge.net/p/embossgui/bugs/21/ 找到了个解决办法:

There is a logic bug in the _menu_html() subroutine that is triggered iff
the first group of applications only has one application. EMBOSS 6.4 has
this group/application configuration. On line 317 in
lib/EMBOSS/GUI/XHTML.pm (inside the _menu_html() subroutine change the line

if (@{$entries[0]} > 2) {# entries are groups...


if (ref($entries[0][1]) eq "ARRAY") { # entries are groups...

This will cause group listing to be detected correctly. I'll attatch a diff -u output for easy patching. This has been tested on Fedora 17 and CentOS 6.3.

XHTML.pm 实际上在这里:

<!-- lang: shell -->


